
Did I style my short hair right? (picture)?

by Guest62779  |  earlier

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thats how I did it myself today. does it look right?

thanks! xx




  1. It looks fine, but personally I wouldv'e straightened the whole thing.

    But since you're going for the choppy and messy look, then I'd say you did a great job. :]

  2. yea u did it right, thats really hott

  3. it looks fine. please answer;...

  4. Cute!  Love the front . . . and the back!  Heck, I love all of it!  Awesome job!

  5. You need to have someone cut your bangs shorter.  

  6. Clone.

  7. looks good :)

  8. beautiful!

  9. uhhh you kind of look like a poodle. or like you slept on it and didnt have time to brush it. not so great. 4 out of 10

  10. i think it would look wayyyyy better if you straightened all of it, but its cute too i guess

  11. why didn't you straighten all of it??

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