Let me start off by saying that my fiance and I have been TTC for 10 months now without any luck. A few months ago I thought I was pregnant, had all the symptoms, but my period came anyway. There is nothing more that I want in the world right now than to have a baby. It's so hard when I see all of the people I work with and am friends with getting pregnant and having babies, especially when most of the pregnancies were "accidents and mistakes". I just don't understand how we are trying so hard and these other people get pregnant when they don't even want to be! But anyway, jumping off the soapbox...
I'm on a 31 day cycle which is RARELY not right on time. I was due to start July 12th and took a pregnancy test on the 14th when I didn't. Of course... it was negative. I'm hoping and praying that I took it too soon. I've heard of people getting negatives for WEEKS before they can get a postive, is that true? At this point, I'm scared to even try and take another test... I'm so sick of getting negatives.
As far as symptoms go, I can't really trust them. My mind and body like to psych me out. Although the one thing I am experiencing that I haven't before are dizzy spells. There hasn't been any morning sickness, but there was one day I just randomly threw up at work. Didn't feel sick before or after... it was rather weird.
Anyway, please send some good thoughts my way! I could use any and all that people have to spare.