
Did I test too early, or my negative results accurate??

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I thought I experienced implantation spotting late friday night - late saturday afternoon. My period then was a week away, and I never start early. The spotting was ONLY when I wiped, and was mixed in discharge. (Color varied - brown/light pink/rose pink) - it lasted approx. 24 hours, and never touched my panties. I havn't seen anything since then, but I took a pregnancy test tonight - approx. 48 (2 days) hours after what I think was implantation spotting, but it came up negative. Is 2 days after implantation too early to test, or is the negative result accurate? If not accurate, when should I retest?...




  1. Ovulation happens on average 14 days before your period is due.

    If the egg is fertilised it takes approximately 6 to 12 days to make its journey through the tubes and start to implant in the uterus lining.

    At this stage, your body starts producing the hormone hCG. This hormone maintains the corpus luteum (which is the cyst on your ovary where the egg was released from). This cyst needs to be kept in place as it is what produces the prostegene which will maintain the pregnancy until the placenta takes over at 8-12 weeks.

    As the hormone hCG is what pregnancy tests look for, the levels will NOT start rising until AT LEAST 6-12 days after fertilistion. This hormone then doubles around every 48-72 hours.

    It is possible around the time of ovulation to get tender b*****s, but most other symptons of pregnancy do not occur until 4-6 weeks.

    If you think you are pregnant - take a test, best to wait until 14 dpo to allow for time for implantation.

  2. test a few days after your missed period!!  

  3. Just give it some more time, any time before you have missed a period (and even a couple days after!) there is a big chance of a false negative. I got my positive test 5 days before period was due (9dpo) and they say the best time for a correct result is 12-14 dpo. I have friends who haven't got a positive til days or even 2 weeks after they were late. Good luck : )

  4. You can test 19 days after the day you think you became pregnant.

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