
Did I test too early???

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Hi Ladies!!

Just wanted to get some feedback as to what you think along with your personal experiences. So my last AF was June 26th. I usually have 28-32 day cycles. DH and I BD, CD's 10-18. I took an OPK on CD 17 and it was Positive, but I used First morning urine I dont know if that makes a difference as to if it was s true positive. According to that I would be 9dpo. I took a test this morning and it was BFN!!! Do I still have a chnace, I dont really have any symptoms of Preg or AF just slightly tender bb's. Period is due the 25-26th!! What do you think, have you ever experienced anything like this?

Thanks for all your answers I really appreciate it! GL and Baby Dust to everyone..




  1. It usually takes 6-10 days post-ovulation for a egg to implant-then another 5 days to test postive, so it is almost a full-cycle before you can get a true positve.

    Now, I have had a few 'false positives" on OPK's, what it really was was "chemical pregnancies", which means the egg did what it was supposed to do and then stopped developing, thus causing me to have a period and a negative pregnancy test a few days later. This is very normal and if it wasn't for pregnancy tests, most of us would never notice the difference. So, you may have had a chemical pregnancy and first morning urine is the most concentrated. try again next month, but finish it before age 35+, otherwise you'll be in my very expensive fun-times!

  2. I think you had s*x too late by a day and 9 days is too early for a positive test, even a blood test.  Be patient.

  3. yes it is 2 early I ovulate on cd 17 I tested at 9 dpo and bfn, 12 ,13 and 14 dpo BFP!!!

  4. LMP was June 26. my cycle is 26 days. No AF yet, test BFN....I think I will try test on 25. or 26. of July. Probably the same day as U........ So I wish U luck and lot of BABY DUST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. OMIGOODNESS!!! you got a a positive!!!! Thats amazing!!! YES YOU HAVE A CHANCE!!! the hormone is there!!! ahhhh I just tested Im talking like 2 minutes it was BFN but its still a lil' early. So Im gonna retest on thursday. OOOOo keep me posted girly!!! Im so excited for you!!! I think you have every right to think that your gonna be a mommy!!!!

  6. I took a test when i was about 3 weeks and it was Neg. Then when I was about 6 weeks I took a test and for the 3 I took they were all so faint that it could have been easily over looked. When I went to the docs office their test was still so weak they commented on it. Baby dust and I hope you are.

  7. best way to wait till u miss ur period and have a blood test it could be to early takin a home test dont lose hope be patience and wait till u miss ur periods i kno its hard to wait but thats the only thing u can do ,time will goes by.and have a blood test done in a week


  8. I didnt show up on a urine test till I was six weeks along!

    And I took tests at the doctors office aswell one week before that still came out negative.

    Good luck!

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