
Did I twist my ankle or mess up my knee?

by  |  earlier

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I was working. Doing my usual repetitive job of order-filling. I do a lot of jumping on/off a forklift, and making cut moves all through the day. Nothing happened that I saw, but I felt pain later in the day. I was standing and I felt a sharp pain in my knee. When I'm standing and I turn my left foot towards my right foot...I feel a sharp pain... It feels like its in my knee, but I also have pain from my ankle...

I hope I didn't confuse anybody.




  1. it sounds like you might have damaged the meniscus in your knee this can cause pain to radiate down the leg to the ankle the meniscus are the cartilage in the knee that help weight distribution you need to get a gp to check it

  2. It's very important that you report this to you employer/ HR (not just your boss - but you must notify your boss as well).

    Sounds like, at the very least you'll need to be on restricted duty and/or some physical therapy and since it happened at work, you need to go through them (If you try to go through your "regular" health insurance and they think that it's work related - they will contact your employer and it'll be better for you if you go through "proper channels" first.

    Good Luck!

  3. If you injured your knee on the job-which I believe you did, you can get pains when you move your foot up in you knee-you need to go to a doctor to get it documented-in case it becomes a serious problem.

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