
Did I used to have tourettes?

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This is something I never got checked for, parents just thought I was being annoying, so I never knew for sure.

I remember when I was fairly little---I was still in 4th grade I think---I used to have this problem where I would make this odd noise, it wasn't very loud but it was definitely audible and enough to annoy the heck out of my class mates, the only way to describe it is as a high note shifting down fast, kinda like when someone yodels, but just for a split second. I actually hated making this noise and didn't want to do it, but the urge to do it was so strong that I had to do it every few seconds and it caused a lot of stress if I didn't do it for a while. I also blinked funny, as if I had to close my eyes as hard as I could, or roll my eyes a lot. I didn't this for a few months and then I ended up switching to other noises, or jerking movements with my arms, trying to make sure I only did them when people weren't watching. It kinda sucks when people assume you are being mean when you roll your eyes, and I'd have to be like "actually I can't help it, I just do that a lot" as I got older I did these things less or controlled them better/found new ways to hide it, etc, I still do the blinking and eye rolling even now (i'm 18) but I don't make odd noises anymore =P although I do this weird thing where it's like im clearing my throat but not making the noise associated with it, I notice i do it like twice as much when I'm engaged in conversation and it's a subject I know a lot about. Never got checked for this, so whaddaya think? a minor case of Tourettes? or something else?




  1. you could have but you also could have had seizures. Eye blinking is a sign of slight seizures I am not so sure about the throat clearing.

  2. maybe it might just be a minor tourettes condition

    if it was worse u wouldnt be able to control it to do it later

    all"tics"have to be expressed evetualy so i guess u do based on what youve told me

    some people just twich

  3. That's tourettes.

    You didn't "used to have it", you "currently have it."  It doesn't go away.  Even now that you are an adult, it wouldn't hurt to learn  more.  Tourettes can be minor, where it's only annoying, or it can be a major problem, where it interferes with your life.

    The clearing your throat but not the noise.... that IS an auditory tic.  

    You can learn more about tourettes on, or facebooIk even has a few tourettes groups that can give you lots of information.

    (people used to think I was a L*****n because I had a winking thing I couldn't control.  Tourettes will keep life interesting!)

  4. You have tics go to the doc and he or she will help you my daughter has tourettes and she has it bad she cusses flips the bird makes a lot of noises and kids and adults have not been to kind to her they are worse when she is upset the doc will give you a medicine called orap to control but you have to help it along and at first it will be hard but you can do it she getting better but she has it real bad

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