
Did JWs and Mormons decide to be only true Christians without the consent of true Christians?

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Did JWs and Mormons decide to be only true Christians without the consent of true Christians?




  1. I have to agree with Fireball.

    Kingdom of the Cults is good about The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society..

    A book about the other

    The Mormon Cult: A Former Missionary Reveals the Secrets of Mormon Mind Control

    The Watchtower removes the deity of Jesus and the LDS teaches that all men are brothers of Jesus and equal.

  2. They only say they are the "only true Churches" because the other churches reject thier decieved doctrines.  They can call themselves christian all they want.....Hitler was a "christian", musolini was a "christian"...need i go on?

    Galatians 1:8,9 says it all.

    Those who declare a gospel different from that which the apostles gave us, are accursed.  It even explains that even if an angel delivers it, if it isnt what we have recieved, let them be accursed.

  3. yeah pretty much, they're totally deceived.

  4. You've over looked one thing, there is only one religion on earth that is trying to follow Jesus footsteps as laid out in the bible and the Mormons are not it.  

  5. There will always be those who take the true word of God and distort it into false doctrine.  

  6. I didn't realize that I needed your permission to proclaim truth. Sorry, but you are not my God and I can proclaim or claim any truth I want. Only God is my judge. Get off your High horse and live and let live.

  7. Neither are actually christians.

  8. they can say anything but the kingdom of the cults book says different..

  9. We're only saying that we're the most correct of any church. It doesn't make us perfect. Other churches have truths to them. I've seen that from reading a lot of posts here but there are some doctrines missing. It's not like we got together one day and were like.... "hey let's be the only true Christians!"

    And anyways, why would we need to ask all the other Christian churches out there about it?... it seems like every single church already thinks they're the true church to some degree. People get so offended.

    The only person that we need to worry about, is God's approval. This Church was set up under divine authority from God. It is Christ's restored church to the earth.

    Yes, indeed. A true Christian wouldn't run down and beat up other Christians on their beliefs?... goodness..

    Edge- we worship Christ as our God.... I don't know why you think we don't?

    Yes, and what's seperates us is the fact that God (Heavenly Father), Christ and the Holy Ghost are three different individuals.

  10. I guess you hit the nail on the

  11. Yes, that really happened.

  12. JWs and Mormon are NOT Christians!

  13. Man does not decide who are true Christians. The Bible tells us who they are. Both the JW's and the mormons have beliefs contrary to the Bible. The JW's and mormons both believe Jesus is a mere creation. While the Bible is clear that Jesus is God. However in my opinion even more heinous is the JW belief that Jesus did not really rise from the dead. Instead of the physical resurrection the Bible teaches they believe His body was dissolved and only His spirit arose. This to me, even more than non-belief, in the trinity removes them from Christianity.

  14. No actually it's the other way around. We believe ourselves to be Christians right along side anyone else who are followers of Christ but the general consensus of "true" (aka "mainstream") Christians is that we're not Christians. THAT was decided without OUR consent.

  15. Only true Scotsmen can answer that question.

  16. I've been on both sides of the issue. I'm a former Jehovah's Witness, now Christian  (if you must label me: born of the Spirit, protestant, evangelical, non-denominational).

    It is an interesting question. These groups (and others) emerged around the same time, and declared all other Christians to be wrong. Then they took their message to the door-steps of our communities.

    Worse yet, when mainstream Christians bring out their Bibles and counter the attacks initiated by these groups, they (JWs) cry "Persecution" and swear this proves they are the "true" religion!  (I'm not sure if LDS does this too.)

    If they have the right to publically denounce the teachings of other groups, then don't we have the same right to denounce their teachings?

    But I will let the Watchtower speak for itself on this issue:

    “It is not persecution for an informed person to expose a certain religion as being false.”

    (WT 11/15/63, p. 688)

    “Contrary to what some may think, it is not unkind and unloving to lay bare falsehood and corruption.” (WT 3/1/66, p.132)

    “When persons are being misled we should warn them; they may resent it, but that does not free us from the moral responsibility to give warning.” (WT 1/15/74, p. 35)

    “Any organization that claims to be the way of salvation should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism.” (Awake 8/22/84, p. 28)

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    These words are not mine, but I hope you'll find them helpful! :)

    All religions have one thing in common: they encourage their members to work as hard as they can to gain everlasting life, the celestial kingdom, nirvana, or whatever else they want to call it.

    Biblical Christianity, however, is different. Instead of earning our goal as a reward, it is offered to us freely as a gift through Jesus Christ as the perfect sacrifice, whose offering of Himself was complete to earn our way to everlasting life with God the Father.

    As Jesus Christ was dying, he said “It is finished” because from that point on, all anyone had to do was to trust His sacrifice to cover their sins. Everyone needs this sacrifice because the Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 that we are all sinners.

    We are in such bad condition that when we try to earn favor with God through our good works, Isaiah 64:6 tells us that our righteous deeds are like filthy rags to God. In Mark 10:27 Jesus is answering His disciples’ question, “who then can be saved?” He said, “with man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.”

    God realizes that man cannot possibly save himself through door-to-door preaching or ordinances of a church. That’s why God did not send an organization or a church to offer us peace with God, but He sent His Son Jesus Christ. Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me.”

  17. Exactly.

  18. JW's and LDS like Jesus' teachings, but deny many of Christianity's foundational doctrines.

    JW's and LDS are not Christian denominations.  

  19. We didn't "decide" to be true Christians.  We are and always have been true Christians.

  20. you got it!!!

  21. Sounds about right.

  22. And what makes your Church True Christians? isn't that the same thing the Jw's and the Mormons are doing as you put it? What is your proof your church is the only true christians? I am not Mormon I don't have religion in my life to be a better person and I don't have to rip on other people's faith to make me feel better about myself or what I believe like you seem you have to do

  23. define a true christian and name 3 examples

  24. What is a true Christian ?

    Surely a true Christian would not try to run down fellow Christians .We should encourge through kindness.

  25. Would a true Christian think he/she had a monopoly on the title?  

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