
Did Jackson give a ********* excuse for what he said?

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I think his answer was typical of someone like him. Is his frustration of Barack moving to the right starting to show?




  1. you are correct

  2. Jesse Jackson is a fine man...don't know what we would

    do without him sometimes!

  3. Jesse Jackson is a victim of his own celebrity. He has not been involved in the community of black politicians in years. He has had problems in private which he has had to deal with. As a member of the black community, I forgive Jesse Jackson, he has been brought up; as have all of the black community been brought up with the mental control that is the Willie Lynch speech.

  4. Jesse Jackson is a poverty pimp and so jealous of Obama he can hardly stand it, hence the comment.

  5. did you notice all that blather and he NEVER said "i support barack obamma".i don't think its the obamma lies to the right that have jesse mad.if obamma wins all those with "jesse jobs" are getting laid off in can he say "a black man ain't got a chance" with a black president.add to that the fact that an incompetant black president would prove disasterous for ever getting a second black president elected.

        its now or population isn't  maintaining its percentage any better than white population.growth is with asian and hispanick pops.

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