
Did Jesus really favor Mary Magdelene over Paul?

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I dare someone to show me the verse.




  1. In a literal sense, of course, no.  Jesus never knew Saul of Tarsus, and (Suck it in, Christians!) Saul of Tarsus--later styled the Apostle Paul--never, ever knew Jesus of Nazareth.  But in an another sense, it's plain, to everybody but believing (Pauline) Christians, that Jesus was much more sympathetic to women as human beings than Paul ever was.  And so it is not untrue, at least in a metaphoric sense, to say that Jesus favored Mary Magdalene (or any other sincere person you could name) over the lying, vindictive renegade Jew who styled himself the Apostle Paul.

  2. Ringo was his favorite.

  3. I don't even understand this question, you ask for a Bible verse and talk about the DaVinci Code. The DaVinci Code is pure fiction and thw whole story was fabricated in the 1950s and recently put into a book by Dan Brown.

    You won't find a reference to Jesus telling Paul that He favored Paul over Mary Magdalene because Paul never met Jesus in Jesus' lifetime.

  4. Paul? Paul never knew Christ while he was alive.

    edit- No, Paul was not Christ's favorite. Where that comes from I don't know. That's some kind of assumption that has absolutely NO basis on what Christ was recorded as saying when he was alive by people who knew him. As for Mary, there are references to her being his favorite in the gnostic gospels. Whether or not a person believes that is up to them. I think he loved - and loves - all who follow him and what he taught.

  5. Why does it matter?

    Can we really tell who his favorite was? (if he even had one, he may have loved them all equally).

    I mean seriously, WHY does it matter who his favorite was? Answer me that! ^_^

  6. Saul of Tarsus, aka Paul, lived after Jesus died. They never met. Since Mary Magdelene was a contemporary of Jesus and a friend, we can assume he favored her over someone he never met. Since all of the Bible was written many years after Jesus died, and then based on stories and tales told by very old men or people who had never met him, there is no way to tell if he and Mary Magdelene were casual friends or lovers.

  7. Oh goodness, no! That's Dan Brown nonsense, made popular by his work of fiction, The Da Vinci Code!


  8. The Magdala had bigger b***s.  

  9. Paul wasn't even there when Jesus was alive...he never met him

  10. Guess what... NOBODY KNOWS!  Why?  Because it happened thousands of years ago and the only record we have has been edited and shaped by corrupt individuals in order to make it a tool of control.  Don't believe anything you read in the "book of answers".

  11. Do not mock god....

    You see what he did to Marilyn Monroe and John Lennon?

  12. There's no evidence that Jesus even knew Paul, and a very high likelihood that he didn't. It's not exactly the kind of minor detail Paul might have forgotten to mention in his epistles.

  13. Have you been reading/watching the "DaVinci Code" ?

  14. Well, we wouldn't want Jesus to be g*y, would we? Whatever suits your religious desires.

  15. They did the horizontal mambo. Squeaky! Squeaky!

  16. no.....Paul lived much later anyway...

  17. So.....the group of people that tend to be be most homophobic are also the same ones that pray that Jesus would choose a man over a woman.


  18. Paul never met Jesus.

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