
Did Jesus write anything for the records, besides the fish drawing in the sand?

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what did he write and what are the scriptures? not his words, i mean, scriptures by himself

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  1. He couldn't read.  He signed his name with a big "X", hence "xtianity".  Some Romans later changed the X to Christ, because they needed a catchier name for their new religion.

  2. there is no way we could prove that Jesus actually wrote any part of the bible in his own hand.  he never drew fish in the sand - he drew lines.  the fish came later in Christian history.

  3. No, there are no writings attributed to Jesus.  Even in the incident you refer to, from the eighth chapter of John, where Jesus wrote in the sand, there is no record of what he wrote.  Contrary to your claim, there is no evidence that he drew a fish.  

  4. He didn't.  

  5. It is believed that there were old scripts written in Aramaic, but they are lost.

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