
Did Joe B's MAF Jinx attempt cause the Flyers No-Goal call?

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Clearly he angered the hockey gods.




  1. Truthfully, If I were a PHILLY fan I would be elated with the season they just had after last year. That was one helluva turn around. I dont think any fan of Philly expected them to still be playing at this time of the year. I think the goal was to make the playoffs. It was a great year for them in that respect.

  2. I agree with Nips... what a great comeback!

    Way to think positively. :)

  3. Thanks Tangers I know you're kidding but maybe I should ask if I will be winning the lottery tomorrow and if anybody knows where I can ask that question on YA let me know.

    Nips said it all..A bona fide number 1 goalie(The first since Hexy-sorry Esche)a star in Mike Richards and an All Star Dman like Kimmo our team will raise again.

    **Erica-Nice,however we haven't won a Cup since I was 1.

    **Shock and Awe-How old did you think I was and why are you so shocked?

  4. i agree with nips.

    hahaha. philly fans be proud of your teams.

    i'm hoping the leafs can also commit one of these "turn arounds".

    but i was going to say that his question was a jinx, just like yours is also a jinx. it'll even out. hopefully the flyers come out and play better, if not just play hard for timmo's sake.

    robert esche had some great saves this year for team usa.

    well same here. the leafs haven't won a cup since before i was born and even almost since my parents were born so join the club joe. your team is atleast better than the leafs, and atleast they have a consistent style of play. what are the leafs known for? (i'm sure the sens fans/leafs haters will have the best response for that)...and i could answer my own question but it might go overboard.

  5. Flyers just lack talent.....They can't win this series by being street thugs or by cheating.

  6. My kudos to Nips as well, for his answer.

    Although it's really not like the Flyers mired in suckdom for awhile or something... It was ONE season. The Flyers have been a generally successful team throughout their history, unlike the Penguins. Anyway, I'm glad it looks like the Flyers will be annual contenders to make the playoffs---the rivalry is stronger than it's been in a long time.

  7. LOL.  Doesn't matter, Pens killed them.  Let the sore loser Cryer fans have their cry fest.

  8. Nips............AMEN!

  9. No. Just the way it happened. Not a good thing either. The Flyers losing I mean, But still a period to go. Anything can happen

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