
Did Joe Biden just loose more of his hair last night after the Palin speech?

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When Palin is finished with him in the VP debates he will look like the spokesman for the Hair Club For Men.




  1. I know it's fun for the Republicans to just spew words as if they're facts but I am a Reference Librarian in Florida who does Research for a living.

    I am here to correct that short little guy with a speech impediment similar to Bugs Bunny who was once mayor of NY, who told his wife on-the-air he would be divorcing her to marry another woman who later divorced him, that the info he spouted was not factual.

    Palin, the 1st term governor of Alaska (where her husband's family are like the Texas Ewings) does not have more experience than Obama and Biden combined.

    Seriously though, I do wish when so-called "leaders" are on podiums they do their research first. Some voters only go by rumors when they vote and that which he spoke would make for a good fiction read but wasn't by any stretch, the facts.

  2. He already looks like a walking ad for Viagra.  The next thing you will see is Joe riding around in hover round with a sign on back saying, Sarah beat me up, send money, and a bandaid.

  3. Biden will chew up that lady and spit her out.  Her speech lacked any substance

  4. Palin put the nail in the Obama-Biden coffin.

  5. Absolutely not!!!  IT'S JUST A SPEECH!! And it wasn't written by Gov. Palin.  It was filled with questionable details, if not out right lies.  She's a sarcastic, small town minded, back woods. moose eating nut that doesn't know sh*t from shinola.  When they get the facts on her crazy, religious fanatical beliefs and unethical governing, it will be over.  

  6. You "always" know when a liberal is lying, their mouth moved.

  7. I dont think so Mr Sinclair.  

  8. I doubt it, Biden's speech had substance while Palin's sounded like a high school pep rally. she actually said nothing about policy (maybe she doesn't know it yet)

  9. AND his butt.

  10. your poking fun at male pattern baldness? why not mention the economy or mortgages or the war of terror?

    let me explain somethin to you. he is old not ancient like McCain but old, old men lose their hair

    if they have a l**k your own lips contest she will win, if they have a losing hair contest he will win


  11. Yes Larry I think more than one.  Every time I see Biden I see the ghost of Tammy Faye Baker with her big eyelashes. Can't help it he looks like a TV minister to me

  12. Joe is runnng scared is what hes running, he may fake sick on the debate which is in St Louis Mo and promises to be well worth the watch!

  13. Biden will destroy her.

  14. No, but I am sure many men who vote with their balls lost a significant amount of skin off their unit.


  15. nah, not at all. palin ranted all night about obama with all those personal attacks, but failed to tell america how they could do better than him. attack after attack... did joe biden even bother to watch it?

  16. Larry, I agree 100%.

  17. I doubt that. I welcome this debate!  

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