
Did Joe Lieberman just throw away his career?

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I mean if Barack Obama wins and the dems pick up the seats they are projecting they will they will not need him anymore so there go his leadership positions.

And if the reps win, they will never accept him because of his stands on abortion and other social issues




  1. No he did not, if you recall the dems already tossed him aside thats why he ran as an independant and won. The reps will welcome him  he is a McCain supporter. I personally like a man that has the balls to cross party lines when they think their party is wrong and vote the way they think is right.

  2. Lieberman is nothing more than a traitor being used by the republicans to forward their agenda that destroyed our economy.  

  3. He is so F'd now.

  4. Um, hello. Weren't the democrats the ones that already threw him away for the race in the senate for another guy in Connecticut. He survives because the people like him.

  5. Joe did it for the money....

  6. he's not even a democrat anymore, he's a liar!!! must've been paid well  

  7. He'll just do exactly what McCain did.... change his view on abortion. Ya'll remember when he was pro-choice (like about two years ago)?

  8. Well, if McCain wins he's got a chance because McCain likes him as a little Democratic sidekick/imp and he'll throw him a bone by giving him some spot in his administration.  But if Obama wins, it's all over for him!

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