
Did John McCain pick Gov. Palin just to attract the followers of Hillary?

by Guest58209  |  earlier

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I say he's made a big mistake at choosing her as his running mate. I cannot imagine what it will be if he makes it to presidency. This is just my opinion.




  1. Yes. He obviously didn't look for the most qualified candidate - he looked for the most qualified female candidate. I trust that the female voters in this country are smart enough to see through this cheap ploy and release this country from the death-grip that Bush/McCain has on it.

  2. No it was to attract creationists and anti-choice members of the religious right.

  3. I don't think there is any other conclusion one can reach. I mean she alluded to it in her first speech after the anouncment. When you add in the fact that it is well known McCain is trying to grab up Hillary supporters, and then realize McCain only met with her twice before deciding on her as his running mate (I feel this decision was actually made FOR him not BY him). It's going to turn out to be a poor move, from what I understand the republicans have admitted she wasn't really 'vetted' well. They admitted to only just starting the process with her 2 days before the announcement. This is a knee jerk reaction of a pick and it definitely calls into question the judgment of a man we already had a bunch of questions about recently. She is also less experienced, and more unknown than even the "unexperienced" Obama. She completely destroys what was up until know the republicans best line of attack :experience. They now have an even bigger unknown in Palin... and even more a radical to boot.

  4. I don't think Hillary voters are much of a factor here.

    I believe McCain chose Palin because of pressure from the right wing of his party. They insisted on a pro-lifer and he gave them one.

  5. I think that Palin will appeal to some women who were Hillary supporters, but she was also chosen for her conservative pro-life views and her dealings with energy and oil in Alaska.  Plus, she is nearly 30  years younger than McCain.

  6. I think there are some other reasons he chose her, but that was a big part of it.

  7. Did Obama pick Biden just to attract the followers of old-white-men Senators?  Maybe he was trying to draw away people from McCain by picking someone who's merely the same gender, in the same age bracket, and has the same hair color as McCain.  

    Your question assumes that female voters pick their candidate based solely on superficial reasons, such as gender, rather than on issues.  

    No, Palin and Hillary are very different women.  Conservative and/or Republican women WILL be voting for Palin as a VP choice whereas they would NEVER vote for Hillary.

  8. Do not be that naive.

    Gov. Sarah Palin represents the real change and break up with Washinton insiders.

    The change that works for us.

    McCain - Palin - '08

  9. 2 requirements



  10. No, I have answered this question it seems a hundred times.  

    Hillary supporters are still Hillary supporters. The two are very different they only thing similar is probably the ovaries.

    Palin is pro life-Hillary is not

    Palin is pro gun-Hillary is not

    Palin is for small government-Hillary is not

    Palin is for drilling-Hillary is not

    Palin decreased taxes Hillary is for more taxes

    Palin is for choice in medical care Hillary is for Universal

    Palin wants less on welfareillary suuports it

    Palin is for the death penalty-hillary opposes it

    Thier views are different, Palin was chosen because she really is the core republican beliefs.

  11. Yes.

    McCain thought Hillary's supporters were so bitter and stupid that they wouldn't care that Palin doesn't stand for the same issues as Hillary does.

    Hillary has fought her entire life for women's issues.  Now McCain thinks that Hillary's supporters will just vote for Palin simply because she's a female?

    Furthermore, Palin is running around here quoting Hillary about the glass ceiling.

    Does she really think she has earned the right to break the ceiling that Hillary fought to valiantly to crack?


  12. You assume that McCain is in control of his campaign. He is not.

    John McCain did not choose Sarah Palin. He wanted Lieberman. It would have been easy for Lieberman to invigorate the christian base through fear.

    John McCain was TOLD to select Palin, without time to vet her. You wouldn't expect a Maverick to be TOLD to do something this important, would you? So, just who is it who holds power over John McCain?

    Palin was selected not to attract Hillary voters (who are put off by the choice), but as a concession to James Dobson and the christian conservatives.

  13. Actually, I am starting to think that John McCain picked Gov. Palin in order to energized his ultra-conservative base...But, as for the Hillary Clinton voters...yeah, it was a gimmick because the media is really scrutinizing Gov. Palin's track record now...and the results are not that great...

  14. That was one of my first thoughts when he announced her.

  15. I agree with you.

  16. Nope, she's the best for the job. If you'd stop looking at the smear campaign and see what she's about you'd probably like her too.

  17. He made a good choice by choosing someone more experienced than Obama, and it WILL get him elected, and now that people are bashing unwed mothers, for no reason, it improves his chances.

  18. Yes. And no, she does not represent change. She wants women back into the 1950's.

  19. No, He was appealling to voters who would never vote for hillary.

    When Palin was told that the media would go after her personal life  and seek to destroy her, she responded.  

    Do you know the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull?  Lipstick.

  20. yes he did.

  21. Palin is a far-right fundie nutjob hypocrite who (until very recently) belonged to a political party that actually wanted to vote on *leaving* America!

    That's all we need to know about her

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