
Did John McCain really think that Sarah Palin is the person most qualified to step in and be President...?

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McCain did say weeks ago that his VP choice would be a person who is best qualified to step in and be President should be not be able to do it.

Do you really think that Sarah Palin is that person?




  1. Obviously, he did. I think he made a good decision that will gain many votes for McCain/Palin.  People need to take a good look at her record and see what type of leader she is.  She has integrity and is an independent thinker; not swayed by polls but acts on what is necessary to do to make things better.  She has a 90% approval rating and has made changes that have made her state a much better place.  

    This team is far better than the other.  Obama and Biden are not exactly the "dream team".

  2. Of the 4 in the race, she is the only one with any experience managing anything.  A 10 year old running a profitable two-week old lemonade stand who has hired her 8 year old sister to help has more management experience than Obama and Biden put together.

    I love Palin's resume.  A no nonsense conservative with a track record of fighting corruption and standing up for the common person.

    She's qualified

  3. No one knows what McCain was thinking when he picked her.. I think it was just one of his Senior Moments!

  4. We've heard a lot about the "3 am call" when discussing whether Obama is experienced enough.

    Contemplate this 3 am call - "Madam Vice President, President McCain has has another heart attack. You'll need to take over while he recovers again".

    She's been Governor of Alaska for a year. No foreign policy experience, no national leadership experience.

    Now do you want a discussion about inexperienced?

  5. I think he needed someone who was new....who was unifying to the party..and who "shook things up" to complete his image... I thin in this case it just happened to be a woman who fit the bill...

    I think sadly if Palin wasn't a woman no one would care.

  6. Well, the term "most qualified" changes depending on the situation. In this case, she is the most qualified to bring energy, and enthusiasm back to his campaign. It may or may not work, but I think it was brilliant.

    Historically, VP's are chosen to help a candidate get elected. If McCain feels like she is the "most qualified" to help him get elected, then more power to him.

  7. John McCains choice was amazing.  I'm supporting him and Sarah Palin one hundred percent! She is the ideal republican.  They make good running mates.  Where as joe biden and obama will probably but heads and argue.  I see McCain and Palin getting together well and having different opinions where McCain is older and Pallin is younger.  This makes for a great team:)!

  8. Just as qualified as Obama is for stepping in on day 1.

    Except that she has more experience at being the person responsible for making the final decision while in office.

  9. well I have a strong feeling this pick was made from Cindy

    McCain in order to trap some Hillary Clinton feminist voters

  10. John McCain doesn't care about this country.  He only cares about winning.

    He's only using Palin to try and woo Hillary's disaffected supporters.

    Do you really think that a man who has voted against women and their faimilies and their issues all of his time in the Senate really want a woman to reign with him?


    Should they get in, Palin will take a backseat to the good old boys.

    McCain doesn't even know her.   He's only met her 3 times.  And first met her 6 months ago.

    After Obama's successful convention, 84,000 in the stadium, 38 million viewers, McCain went to Plan C and according to published reports, he called Palin within 24 hours to tell her she had the job.

    It's sad that he's banking on Hillary's supporters' bitterness to win votes.  It didn't matter to him that Palin doesn't stand for the things Hillary has fought her entire life for.  All that matters is that Palin is a woman.

    McCain must think Hillary's supporters are stupid.


    To fight the years and years of corruption.

    She was an everybody American FIGHTING FOR WHAT'S RIGHT FOR AMERICAN

  12. This Yahoo article is fairly neutral.

    more links about her   and wikipedia says this  

    She is well prepared and has the brains to handle it.  regardless of what the Democratic Bashing machine thinks, says or does.

  13. I doubt Mitt Romney thinks so...and he's right.  McCain is desperate to secure the rank and file Republicans so he picked Palin.  

  14. You can ask the same about Obama. She is more qualified, she has been working while all Obama has done is run for POTUS

  15. He should have said it had to be someone who they could control. He doesn't get along with many people. He is surrounded by crooks. His buddy Phil Graham had something to do with the mortgage crisis & you know he has bought up so mnay houses he can't keep track. So Sarah has "troopergate" going on. That makes her qualified to be with a bunch that misuses their power. So Yes as far as he is concerned.

  16. I think he just has the hots for her :D

  17. i think that she isn't really that qualified. She has only been governor of alaska for a year. I think that he was just wanting to pull over the hillary voters who don't like obama.

  18. Yes....and political cunning at it`s best.

  19. The scary thing is that I'm afraid he does!

  20. no no no no h**l no.  If McCain thinks she is, then he's off his rocker!

  21. No of course no! she has a small kid who has autism and a 20 year old son going to Iraq she does not have time to be flying to different country's

  22. Well, she has more experience than Obama and he's running for the office now.  I'd say Palin as VP is a brilliant choice.  If she does ever rise to the presidency, she'll take more to it than Obama.

  23. Did DNC really think that Obama is the person most qualified to step in and be President?

    Do you really think that Obama is that person?

  24. yes. she will be popular amongst women mainly.

  25. The votes will show the American people do.

  26. No i think McCain has second thoughts about being pres. so he got this gal thinking that his decision will surely make him loose the election

  27. No, he just thinks she is his only shot at winning. He isn't concerned about the well-being of our nation. He is concerned about beating Obama in the election, which will never happen.

    Surely women, who voted for Hillary Clinton, would never vote for anyone who stands for everything Clinton is against. Palin doesn't believe in equal pay for women, abortion rights, birth control, and doesn't believe that global warming was caused by man. If Hillary's supporters vote for her, they obviously were never voting for Hillary for the right reasons.

  28. Yes, she is. If you put it this way, she is more qualified and has more experience than Obama. She went from city councilwomen, to mayor, to governor, and she's only 44 years old. She also just gave birth to her 5th child,  a beatiful baby boy with down syndrome. Also, she is very pro-life. How much better can you get? She is also very conservaticve and is a very good VP pick.

  29. McCain showed us that it is win at all cost before the Country's interest.  What is really sad, his gimmick will be what he's remembered for, the biggest election blunder of all time.

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