
Did John McCain score a home run in his speech tonight?

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Is the McCain/Palin ticket a strong one?




  1. McCain did one thing tonight that I have rarely ever seen in a political speech. IMO ... He was totally authentic....that man meant everything he said.  Whether you agree with his ideas or plans for this country is one thing.  But if you truly watched his speech and didn't believe that he was sincere then you are jaded and have let yourself become blinded by your beliefs.  He was not as polished and smooth talking as some politicians but he rang true to me.

    I loved his talk of bipartisanship  and reaching solutions no matter which side came up with them and actually making congress serve the people and work for this country, not themselves.  Country first ... what a beautiful idea!

  2. I made it a point to watch the Republican National Convention tonight so that I would not give a biased opinion about McCain's speech. But to be honest, McCain did not tell the truth about 1. raising taxes, which Obama said that he would cut taxes on 95% of Americans and 2.Barack Obama opposing the surge when he should have been given for being brave enough to oppose going to Iraq in the first place among other things. He was also very vague on just what kind of change or solutions he would bring to the problems the country is facing now. He also made a contradiction by saying that we can help with the environment and still have more drilling for oil which is a major source of pollution and quite frankly is one of the major problems facing this country. I'm sorry, but I must grade his speech {minus the part about his great service in the military}, a major rhetoric accomplishment...      

  3. He bunted and got thrown out at first. And NO.

  4. I feel he did well with his speech--the speech reflected John McCain to perfection.  He demonstrated the poise and statesmanship which makes for a great President.  His attitude is a winning attitude-winning for America that is.  I hope that next year you will come to realize just how blessed our nation is to have a man like John McCain as President.

  5. Yes he did great, McCain/Palin is an incredibly stong ticket.

  6. No way!

  7. He's a patriot and a POW.  I'll give him that. But so are a lot of other Americans. He didn't hit a home run, because he eludes to the same. If he were going to distance himself from Bush, he shouldn't have stated that he was proud to have served under him.That was just one mistake of many that he made. Most importantly he didn't say how he was going to bring about these changes, that he tried to hammer in on us. No discussion  what so ever.  Yes, he should be proud of his stamina in surviving war camp, and I certainly honor him for that, but that alone does not make him the best choice to lead us.

  8. yes, i had my blood boiling when he mentioned how his will was broken and still his love or the USA was there

  9. I don't think so. He didn't address any issues. All he did was talk about his pow experience. I'm sorry, but that has nothing to do with the presidency, he is milking it for all he can for the republican vote. Really, where does he stand on the issues? Not to mention, palin is a bit crazy, she thinks polar bears are not an endangered species -

  10. in my opinion, absolutely!

  11. Yes and Yes

  12. He once again braught up the details of being a POW and then said the word "fight" 25 times.... it was a swing and a miss if you ask me... McCain/Palin... is thankfully, not a strong ticket...  

  13. Not even a foul tip tonight.  He whiffed it.

  14. I like McCain but I will not vote republican. McCain made a heart felt speech tonight but I have to say he looks old. The McCain/Palin ticket is strong in that both of these individuals are tough people but as far as the issues go I think the democrats will destroy them when the debates are held. I just saw Obama on the O'reily show and he presented himself great! I don't like it when I hear people say that the politicians we have to vote for are no good, if you can do a better job then run for president. My vote is for Obama because I like him as a human and I cannot support Palin because she is to far right.

  15. Literally, no. He's not playing baseball. Though it would have been fun to have McCain do his speech at the Metrodome, halfway through the speech, pull out a bat and hit a ball into the stands.  

  16. McCain is obviously not as good at public speaking as Obama. His speech wasn't charismatic and moving like Obama's was. Obama has a flair for speeches that McCain will never have.

    That being said, a good speech giver is not always a good president. Hitler and Stalin both gave great speeches.

    Words don't make a person. Unfortunately for our country, I'd say the majority of Americans decide who they're going to vote for based on what they see on TV. If that's the deciding factor, Obama wins. Let's just hope Americans are smarter than that and do a little research before they vote.

    McCain 08

  17. I thought it was a little surprising that he would bring up the loss of the American People's trust in the Republican Party his speech, considering that he's speaking within the base of the Republican Party themselves.  

  18. naturally the dems will say no, because they are voting for Obama.

  19. Yes, he did!

    The Republican ticket is very very strong. If you don't think so just look at the liberal left smear campaign that started immediately after Sarah Palin was announced as McCain's VP choice. The liberal left are scared! The Republicans did something they couldn't ..... they got a woman on the ticket and not just a woman, an accomplished, bright, tough reformer. The Dems only want you to think they are for change and reform.

    Alot has been said on here about her speech being "written" for her. All politicians have speeches written for them. She did an awesome job especially considering her teleprompter messed up and was far behind the actual speech. No one ever knew it. She is awesome! Just look at the left squirm!

    McCain/Palin 08

  20. I think a lot of people were hoping his speech would be more powerful than Sarah's last night. His Home Run was in that he was able to remain honest and discuss how he is going to fix our problems at the same time. He didnt hit a Home Run in that it was not as energy filled as Sarah's. Sarah gave an unbeleivable Vice President Speech. John gave a great speach that should it is very easy to accomplish positive goals without raising taxes.  

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