
Did John McCain thrust everyone's interest back into this election with out being a "rock star"?

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Did John McCain thrust everyone's interest back into this election with out being a "rock star"?




  1. Yes, by selecting a competent running mate and not some old crony, Washington insider.

    The tables have turned and the libs hate it.    

  2. Instead of a rock star, you have a former Miss Alaska. McCain's been thinking with his weenie

  3. What are you talking about?  McCain can't thrust anything, he's 72 years old.

  4. No... he IS a rock star now...and he has a groupie to prove it..

  5. What a great combo - McCain and some unknown...whats her name? Madam Alaska??

    I think the Republicans have no hope, and so are providing a little comic relief to this theatre.


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