
Did Klaus Wowereit come out as being g*y BEFORE being elected mayor of berlin,or AFTER?

by  |  earlier

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how much did his "coming out" effect his support




  1. I think it was before, everyone knew it.

  2. When he was nominated as top candidate for the elections, he mentioned it in the speech to his party. His phrase, which could be translated as "To all, who don't know yet; I am g*y, and that's okay like it is." was seen as a sign of real courage and was cited many times in the following months. It surely helped his party to have a good result.

  3. I believe before his first election --- today everybody knows --- and nobody cares.

    Greetings from  Hamburg, Germany


    ps: We also have a g*y mayor --- Ole --- he is making a good job and he has never ask to sleep in my bed --- he is g*y --- who cares ?

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