
Did Kobe Bryant hurt the Lakers' success?

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the Lakers would've won two more championships due to Shaq, but Kobe's performance in the Finals prevented that from happening. Kobe never shot above 40% in the Finals and his embarrassing turnovers/ bricks cost the Lakers a title Detroit in 2004. and even worse, Kobe forced the Lakers to kick Shaq off the team because he got tired of living under Shaq's shadow. Laker fans should be upset at Kobe instead of Shaq, but they're too dumb, delusional, or ignorant to understand because 100% of them are bandwagon riders who don't even live in LA.




  1. yes

  2. This is ridiculous how many good years dose shaq really have left in him, Kobe gives them a chance to win for the next eight years.

  3. Are you stupid?

    The Lakers were rolling with Bynum before Gasol came. They were on top or near the top in the west and then Bynum got injured.

  4. does your ignorance know no bounds? let me clear things up. kobe didn't win the three championships w/o shaq, but in fairness shaq couldn't do it without kobe. do you even know the reason why shaq left? poor work ethic, he was getting old and STILL wanted more money. you act like you know a lot, but when you break it down, you don't know ****

    stop kissing shaq's @ss and get back to reality

  5. could you tell me how Shaq's a$$ tastes, since your already so far up there??

  6. lol

    i bet its his fault they had the best record in the west too

  7. i agree shaq is definately a hall of famer and to force him off the team cuz he mad that hes better and then whine to get traded is just selfish

  8. h**l YEH

  9. Yeah I guess it was devean George that took over game seven of the 2000 WCF when Shaq fouled out with about 7 left and single handedly won the game for the Lakers.

    You should be asking how many championship they wouldn't have if Kobe wasn't on the team? I'm not even sure they'll have any without him, Shaq didn't win shiit until he hooked up with Kobe. As good as Penny used to be he was no BLACK MAMBA!

  10. He did shoot them out of the 04 finals...Tayshaun Prince had him on lockdown...People say Shaq's carrer is over well he has been playing longer and had a ,ore successful than Kobe...He was a jerk all year until he got Gasol for free then he put on his Mr.Nice Guy act...This will fade just like he did when he was trashing his team and trashing Bynum in the parking lot over the summer, while begging for Jason Kidd...Proof Kobe is not a team player he just acts like one when he has someone to back him up and keep them winning

  11. h**l No

    Kobe helped the Lakers success!

  12. "the Lakers weren't even in the Top Five before Pau Gasol came." This statement is proof that you don't know Sh*** about anything! The Lakers were on top of the Western Conference with Bynum!! Plus most Laker haters don't live in LA! I was born and raised in South Central! Laker fan for life!  

  13. If Lakers kept Shaq (and if Kobe and Shaq never argued):

    No Lamar Odom, No Pau Gasol in line-up. No excellent draft choices. More salary money wasted. Shaq would be playing as bad as he is playing with the Suns. Pretty good chance for only two NBA titles

    Where the Lakers are right now:

    Lamar Odom, Pau Gasol, Excellent draft choices, No 7 ft. cactus burning up the Lakers salary. Very good chance for 6 or 7 titles in the next 10 years.

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