
Did Kushwant Singh write abusive remarks on Ms.Menaka Gandhi?

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A friend told me that Kushwant Singh made abusive remarks on Ms.Menaka gandhi in one of his essays.But I did not come across anything disgraceful that Kushwant Singh wrote on Ms.Menaka Gandhi.Rather,Kuswant Singh earned displeasure of Indira Gandhi for supporting the cause that Menaka Gandhi envisioned;environment and love for the animals and birds.Indira Gandhi thought that Kushwant was supporting Menaka's cause.Kushwant had to pay price for that too.But when did he write anything filthy about Menaka Gandhi,which Manaka had to sue against him? If it is true could you write me the name of the essay,the book this essay is compiled or quote the relevant lines/paras from Kushwant Singh's essay ,if you have the essay/ book with you?




  1. Kushwant Singh is a versatile well informed and  learned writer. He is a free and frank man.

    If any such incidence of his accusing Maneka Gandhi was there it is not much publicised. The friend seems to be confused which Mrs Gandhi.

    Incidentally don't forget they both are Sikhs and blood is thicker than water.

  2. Politics is a dirty aspect of the society because politicians are writing bad against each other.

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