
Did Kyle just say one of the few intelligent things of his life?

by Guest57959  |  earlier

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It seems he nailed Edwards' fake persona on the head. Carl has been purposely running into other drivers for a few years and commenting "Oh, I didn't mean to race ___" like that.

I'm sure that's a great comfort to Clint Bowyer right now.




  1. You hear it every race and Carl has become a fan favorite because of it. All it takes is to listen to his radio scanner to hear the real Carl. He is an arrogant dude who can't even get along with his crew chief.

    Yet once again Kyle Busch gets trashed on for his honesty. I thought it was funny that he called Carl out like that. Kyle will win the chase

  2. I think the drivers know Carl edwards a lot better than we do.  he is a fake.  Tony called him Eddie haskel and Kyle called him Mr. Ed and Kyle was right too in that Carl does say "oh I don't like to race like that...I didn't mean to put him in the wall"  everytime that he does.

  3. Kyle actually says a lot of intelligent things. It's just the unintelligent people who look for reasons to call him stupid over. At least he cane put together complete sentences without stopping to take a breath.

  4. I think yall need to get your story straight. Kyle is the one always making excuses or blaming everyone else. Like when he hit jr. and said he came down on me. Kyle has said he would wreck anyone he had to in order to win a race and now the tables are turned and he is whining like the lil shrub that he is. I think its hilarious and have new found respect for the #99.

  5. Sure, right after doing one of the many dumb things in his life.

  6. Kyle calls em' like he see's em'

  7. Did Kyle look intelligent?

    Kyle just showed us what the fans don't want to see in a Champion.

    It kind of makes me wonder if he's one of the trolls in YAHOO! Q/A

  8. What did carl do wrong?  He gave a bump and run at bristol without wrecking kyle.  How many times has bristol ended in a bump and run?  40 races?

  9. Carl didn't apologize for bumping Kyle. He said in the postrace press conference that he wasn't sorry he did it, and that he would do it again if he had the chance.

  10. I've always thought Carl was faking the whole good guy thing. Glad he got called out on it.  

  11. Carl is probably fake but I think most driver's are. They have to be. The media is buried so deep in all aspects of these guys lives, that if they show any inkling of truth they are going to be potentially buried professionally. Take Tony Stewart for example. His truth and honesty is refreshing, yet sometimes he is too controversial. It all depends on the context. If he complains about the cars or another driver it is refreshing, but as soon as he speaks, honestly, about NASCAR or one of its business partners, he becomes controversial and hot-headed. It is all about NASCAR's ratings and income.

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