
Did Las Vegas, Nevada make the national news on June 4th, this past Wed.?

by Guest57330  |  earlier

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We had another police vs suspect shoot-out. Some guy in a Hummer.




  1. They did put the link to the KLAS TV coverage on Fark dot com. And there was a brief mention on the CBC out of Toronto. Since I don't watch U.S. national news on TV I wouldn't know if the cable or broadcast outlets carried it.

  2. ya, there was some idiot who had a problem with bouncers in a strip joint, started shooting up the place. he took off in a hummer and the police started chasing him in a pursuit. the guy rolled the hummer ended up on the passenger side. he stands up inside the vehicle on the driver's side and opens fire on the cops, hitting one in the leg. they returned fire. they haven't said yet but either the cops shot him or he killed himself, either way he's dead. real stupid person. i was headed up to that side of town that morning but delayed going for about an hour, they thought at first there were 2 people involved and had everything shut down for quite awhile. turned out only one idiot involved.

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