
Did Leon Padilla Actually Think That Ms. Casey Anthony Was Going to Give Him the Time of Day! ?

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I guess Leon Padillia doesn't like being Casey Anthony's little ****** anymore! LoL! He was telling the media that Casey hasn't spoke to him at all since she has been released from jail~! Did he seriously think Casey Anthony was going to give him the time of day! Ha! Sucker! Padillia looked like he was going to start ball'n like a baby today on camera! WAAAAAA! Revoke her bail and go home ~ Loser!




  1. I believe, and keep in mind that this is just my opinion, the Leonard Pedilla legitimately intended to help find Caylee. I think he truly believed that Casey would be more open with him if he got her out of detention. Clearly he was wrong, and has admitted as much. I have never heard of Leonard Pedilla before this case, but my research has shown that he does seem to be an all-around decent and caring gentleman. I don't know if he was seeking any publicity out of this or not, but I do believe that he intended to do a good deed here and it backfired on him.

    I believe that Casey has taken full advantage of her right to keep quiet by using her attorney's suggestion to benefit her when around her family. She can simply tell them that Jose Baez has instructed her not to speak to anyone and leave it at that. I am so disgusted thinking that anyone could lose there child and show so little interest in finding her.

    *EDIT* Clearly the poster below me did not understand my comment. At no time did I suggest that Casey would crack. Instead, I noted my belief that Leonard Pedilla thought she would crack. Leonard believed that he could get access to Casey and use his techniques of pursuation on her. He was wrong, but I don't think he is in the wrong for wanting to try.

  2. really!! that was what i was thinking after a manicure sure what ev she has no remorse for anything so do u think she will open up to a complete stranger when she did not tell her mom or dad reall lenord stupid i kinda feel sorry for him now but not that much he should have thought about that!!!

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