
Did Louis XVI even like Marie Antoinette?

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Was he even fond of his bride or was he just as rude and uncaring towards her as the rest of France? I mean, obviously, they had s*x, but that could have just been for those sole purpose of creating an heir right? Also, why did it take him so long to finally consummate his marriage to her?




  1. He was cool towards her at first, but as time went on real affection developed. In fact, he was very fond of her, and as time went on she had a great deal of influence over him. The reason why the marriage was not consummated was a source of speculation.  Marie Antoinette wrote to her mother, after Louis had been examined by a doctor "Monsieur le Dauphin's talks with Lassone have been very satisfactory.  There is nothing wrong with his constitution.  Unfortunately he is incredibly listless and lazy and his laziness never leaves him except when he is out hunting."

    After Marie Antoinette's brother Joseph, the Emperor of Austria came on a visit, the marriage was consummated.  It is possible that the Emperor persuaded Louis to undergo some kind of operation, but there is no proof of this.  But whatever he recommended, it seems to have been succesful.

    Louis and Marie Antoinette went on to have four children.  And Louis became devoted to his wife.

    He was probably not a very exciting lover, and later Marie Antoinette had a passionate friendship, and very likely an affair, with a Swedish nobleman called Axel Fersen.  But she did love her husband, and was deeply grieved when he was executed.

  2. Because he was g*y, he needed to marry & create an heir but he was just doing his duty as King.  He had a good match and may well have been on friendly terms with his queen but I am sure she was neglected.

    I think she must have had a sad and lonely time, her children would have been a great joy to her. She may have taken lovers at some time, I have not studied her story in much detail, but have always thought she was much wronged and an innocent to what went on around her.

  3. Just like all royal marriages (that were mostly arranged for alliances) they probably didn't know each other well enough to "consummate" the marriage. Imagine the situation they're in: They're young, they probably known each for 3 weeks before they're married, different cultures etc. It's like having s*x with a stranger. It's kind of uncomfortable. After a while, I think they grew to understand each other more. The only royal marriage that I can think of in the past that actually had the two in love before they were married were: Nicholas II and Alexandra of Germany; but they were both naive and it led to the Russian Revolution. I'm sure there is more, but I remember reading about those two being HEAD OVER HEELS in love.  

  4. I don't know if Louis loved Marie in the later part of their marriage, but surely Marie loved Louis as she went into a period of deep mourning when Louis was executed. Also the fact that they consummated so late (7 yrs for Marie to get pregnant) has been subject of speculation and some historians suspect Louis had phimosis, in which the f******n of the p***s is tight that prevents circulation and thereby hinders arousal. Some historians dismissed this idea. Also, Louis had been raised with anti-Austrian sentiments so this added the nonconsummation earlier in their marriage.

  5. Royal marriages occurred to keep royal blood in the family, and to make alliances between nations. That's exactly what their marriage was. Austria and France needed to be allied, so Marie had a tutor teach her perfect French and then went over to France to be the queen.

  6. I think they did actually like each other eventually, although not at first, after all they only met just before there marriage.  The reason it took so long for them to consummate the marriage, it is speculated to be that Louis didn't know what to do, after a long talk with Marie Antoinette's older brother they finally got on with the job.  

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