
Did MMA gain any fans from the CBS broadcast?

by Guest66884  |  earlier

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Did they gain any fans last night? I think they probably gained very little new fans. Considering the quick stopages and the questionable results I wouldn't tune in if I was a non fan before this broadcast. The only new fans I could see would be the men who think it is hot to see women fight in MMA as that was the match of the night.




  1. only 1 year dude i want to marry gina carano.  i can guarantee there will be no arguments between me and her EVER

  2. We will see what the Nielsen ratings are when they are released Monday.

    I expect the number of viewers to double those of the highest for the UFC PPV.

  3. lol the guy in the above comment really needs a girlfriend lol the kimbo fight looked fake to me anyone who has ever fought or trained could see that the thumb in the eye thing was crazy the guy was game and it was a title fight you dont stop a title fight like that but it was mma on free tv gotta give props for that i sat at home and watched without having to hit a sportsbar

  4. The only thing that MMA got from last night is exposure. But it was not good exposure in any way shape or form.

    50% of last nights showing was S****y cheerleader type girls shaking their butts around. Now don't get me wrong I enjoy seeing it, but not when I want to watch MMA. The only good quality fighter on that entire card was Robby Lawler and his fight was called short to a BS stoppage like so many others.

    I had a feeling the event was not going to go over so well when saw Shamrock look straght into the camera and with a straight face say "you won't find these guys fighting in a bar, you won't find them fighting in the street." ... WHAT!? This entire company is beeing carried by a out of shape nobody who made his popularity by fighting... IN THE STREET!!!

    Kimbo Slice was exposed for the untallented fighter that he is last night. James Thompson is not known for his ground game yet he made Kimbo look like a fool. And after pounding away for a solid min. on Kimbo's head with very little effort to defend himself, the ref let the fight go on. Then after Kimbo lands some good strikes that didn't even knock Thompson off his feet, he jumps in and stops the fight. I wish Thompson would have knocked the ref out instead of just pushing him.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kimbo will get people interested, but he will not get people to buy any PPVs. So many people out there see MMA as human c**k fighting and is just completely barbaric. Although I completely disagree, last nights show people that MMA is a sport.

  5. I don't think so, but they  didn't lose any either. And I think womens MMA just got a big push... I was impressed last night. Then again, I'm madly in love with Gina Carano. I'd like to make love to her for everyday for an entire year.

  6. There's is only 1 reason for me to ever tune into another Elite XC fight. Her name is Gina Cerano.

    By the time CBS - Elite figures it out, they will have lost a majority of their  fans and interest. They have a looooooong way to go.

    I will always be a MMA fan and a Gina Cerano fan, but I doubt I will ever be an Elite XC fan.

    The referee got paid to stop the fight at the first sign of Kimbo being ahead so that he doesn't lose. They are trying to save their investment on a gang banging street thug. If he would of lost, they would have no one left to promote.

  7. Of course they gained some fans.  Regardless of the shaky decisions and lack luster fights Americans love violence and Im sure that the next time it airs on CBS the ratings will grow

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