
Did Manny Ramirez get screwed by getting traded to the Dodgers???

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Dodger stadium doesn't have a Green Monster.. What will he do if he has to take a leak while playing left field??




  1. He will get fined or suspended and get time on ESPN and just go about his business, otherwise pee before you go on the field. No he didn't get screwed. Even though the Red Sox are contenders again he was ready to get the h**l out of Boston anyway. Great addition for the Dodgers!

  2. if he did get screwed, he did it to himself. so if he pisses his pants in the outfield, its his own fault...

  3. Hopefully they won't put up with all of his antics and drama. As a Red Sox fan, I won't miss him. As soon as the announcement was made, my Manny shirt officially became a paint rag.

  4. I'm glad Manny is out of my life in the AL East.  Let him go d**k around in the under achieving NL West.  Let him pee in his pants for all I care.

  5. Yea the Dodgers suck...He wanted to come to Philly and be reunited with Charlies Manuel,but the Phils moron GM wouldn't get us Manny.

  6. This year he's been "lazy," and no good for the Sox, I think he wanted to get traded.

  7. he should've played hard and not body slammed team employees and he'd still have the monster.

  8. Give him a month and he'll be p***ing and moaning about something and run his mouth about wanting to be somewhere else.

  9. Not really because he wanted to leave boston and go somewhere else and plus he can choose where he wants to go when he is a free agent in 2 months so if he plays hard he will go to where he wants and get payed  

  10. i think boston got n screwed and badly

  11. That dude is crazy...literally...and always will be...he is happy that he is gone and he gives the Dodgers a good shot to make the playoffs, but they don't have a shot at the series...the Sox on the otherhand are one of the favorites to win...either way they will probably leet him go after the season and he can go wherever he wants after...

  12. You must be a Yankee fan

  13. yup oh yah drrrr

  14. Manny wanted out anyway. Even if he played out this season with the Red Sox, his butt would have been outta there during the off-season. I dont think he will stay with L.A. (Manny is an American-League type player) so lets see where he will go next.

  15. more like the other way around

  16. No, but the Red Sox screwed themselves.  Bay is a good ball player, but he is no Manny Ramirez and the Sox are NOT a better team now.

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