
Did Manny deserve to get traded?

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Manny was awesome, opinions?




  1. I think they should have kept him and sat him for the rest of the season.  But...I'm a Yankees fan...and i still don't think the Red Sox deserve to to be in the dugout everyday, thats just mean.

  2. i mean if HE personally didnt feel right there. then he had the right to tell them that he wanted to be traded

    theres no winning if he stayed played bad on purpose because he didnt want to be there.

    so i mean in a way yes.

  3. i think so because manny wasn't playing as hard as he could. He is a really good player. Also i don't think the sox aren't gonna make the playoffs

  4. YEAH!

  5. Yes he did deserve because he wasn't trying in Boston this year. He wasn't playing to his best and that made there mananger mad and so they traded him for a younger good hitter Jason Bay.

  6. Yes, but he deserved to be traded to the Washington Nationals.

  7. NO but he was bored with the redsox and Always having to be perfect he was probaly GLAD

  8. Yes he needed to go. Straight up cancer at the end. A GM's nightmare

  9. Yes from a Sox fan.

    Manny wasn't hustling to first base on outs, he ran through the third base coach's signals, and he was like a plague in the clubhouse.  He fought with Youk, pushed a Sox executive, and bashed the Sox saying they didn't deserve him and that they painted him as a bad guy.

    Bottom line is, it's evident he didn't care and it was harming the team chemistry, an important behind the scenes issue into the game.  Before he was traded, some of his teammates complained about him.  On a good team, that's when you know you have to trade him.

  10. Yes he did. He was being selfish

  11. Yes the red soxs couldnt handle manny being manny. It wasnt working for them. And Jason Bay is good. They didnt lose much their. Well they sort of did but with Manny being Manny it is probably the best thing that happened to them.

  12. It was his opinion that he deserved to get away from the horrible conditions under which he felt Boston management put him under. Manny being Manny apparently stopped working for the Red Sox and when you remove yourself from the lineup at the beginning of what was to date the biggest and most important series of the year then Red Sox players, fans and owners certainly deserve better. And for all the talk of how great he is check the numbers between him and Bay. For the extra 12.5 million they were paying him over Bays salary they deserved better production.  Manny could be a superstar on a regular basis but he only feels compelled to be such whenever it suites Manny. Paying fans deserve better than that and so do his teammates. He got what he asked for so he should be happy now....we will see!

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