
Did Mary Newbury really exist?

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I read the Witch Child book and the author said that it was written based on some "Mary's Papers" which were written 300 years ago. Is it a true story about this girl's life?




  1. Guest56289
    she was real I know because:
    the diary was found it must be real or it could be a child ahges ago writing a story

  2. Guest56289
    she was real I know

  3. i agree. of course mary now lives with the easter bunny in LA from march-june. santa in mexico from June-oct and the tooth fairy in magic land for the rest of the year. :)

  4. No, she didn't. The author wanted her readers to connect with her so she made it seem real. If it seemed like historical fiction, readers would feel like it was just something from the past.

  5. Im not sure to be honest :/ i got the impression in the beginning of the book that it was all real but when i read the inspiration page it all sounded fictional. I am going to e-mail the author for a definate answer.


    hope you find out soon.

  6. Mary Newbury is a real person. She didn't deserve her fate but she did live.

  7. ja, das ist ein umgeschriebenes tagebuch von einem mädchen aus dem 17. jahrhundert ich habe auch erst später rausgefunden,dass dies eine echte geschichte ist ... schade nur dass man nicht weis wie sie endet

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