
Did McCain Just hand over the prezidency to Obama by picking his inexperienced VP?

by Guest59377  |  earlier

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I think so. He's 72 for god sakes... he has to survive to 76. Who honestly would trust Palin as commander in chief.




  1. Who would trust Palin ?  Probably most people from Alaska would trust this "GUTSY SMART GAL"  We've had a no brain-er sitting in the White House these last eight years.  

  2. He showed his true colors with that choice. He'd done.  I think the percentage of vote will be very embarrassing for him in Nov..

  3. Well, but picking Palin, he did ensure the gun-totting redneck vote.

  4. No---He chose an articulate reformer with more executive experience than Obama.  Obama spent 143 days in the Senate and most of those were spent campaigning for President.  I would trust Palin in a minute to have the guts to deal with other countries as compared to a pacifist that would sell us down the river to the Muslims that are supporting him.  His age is not a factor.----You are an idiot.

  5. He's 72 but he's in great shape. He will win.

  6. no, like it is said in Football a great “hail mary” move… great moment in history … the first female VP will be Republican..THEN the first female president will be also Republican ..her!

    .she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up!

    and even senator Biden said Obama is NOT qualified…and that McCain is better!…case closed!

  7. to the ppl saying the sarah palin is more experienced than obama obviously dont know s***t!!! Before getting to the US Senate Obama served 11 years in the Illinois State Senate!!!

    Obama 08.

  8. Did Obama hand over the prezidency to John McCain by being the inexperienced Democratic Nominee?

    First of all, she has a couple of years of executive experience. What has Obama done? He has spent his time as a senator running for president.

    Age has nothing to do with it if the president is able to function and make decisions wisely. The average life expectancy is (give or take) 80 years old. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that McCain, who is perfectly healthy, would be able to serve until he is 76.  

  9. I just can't understand why he would do that...After having so many negative ads released on how experienced he is he picks a governor of 20 months...Idiotic.

  10. So interesting...

    but you are right WHO is she?? and when he dies...America would NOT want her as CIC.

    McCain used his Queen instead of his Ace on this one...

    He thought he was "blindsiding" Obama but didn't notice that 18 wheeler he stepped in front of.(??)

    *hey, it's midnite my answer makes sense in my head :)

  11. Obama has no experience.  She does have executive experience, and her time as governor is more than Obama's 143 days in the senate.  ***

  12. McCain was never going to win anyways.

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