
Did McCain Loose 10Xs more Con.Votes with VP.Pick Then He gained Trying to woo Hilary Supporters?

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Seems to me that he will do ANYTHING to get votes but this VP. pick will cost him A LOT more votes than he will gain. His base was constantly attacking Hilary saying that A "Woman is too emotional to be commander & chief"




  1. palin is still a lot better than a left wing nut job like biden

  2. Every conservative I know is excited by  McCain's choice. It's the democrats going nuts over a woman potentially holding the second highest office in America.

  3. McCain is an idiot. His VP choice only proves that.  

  4. Absolutely not.  From what I have heard of this woman she is exactly what this country needs.  She fought corruption in her own state and won.  She fights for what is right and she does what she knows is the right thing even though the right choices can be difficult.  I don't look at this VP pick as trying to woo dems--this woman represents REAL CHANGE not just rhetoric. Do you really think the O ticket represents change with a washed up, big mouth, put his foot in his mouth Joe Biden?  Unlike Obama, I think the more we learn about Palin the more we are going to admire and respect her.

  5. conservatives will sooner vote for a republican  female VP tthan a democratic black president

  6.         McCain cant remember from one minute to the next what he says or does,He can't remember how many homes he owns,,,How can he be trusted to make a wise choice on picking a VP...

            Why is he picking a woman for his VP,, so he can berate her and treat her with disrespect as he does his wife,,He has a horrid temper,, Once when his wife  teased him about his thinning hair, right in front of reporters, he angerly told her she looked like a tramp with her over made up face, and bleached hair,,,God help Palin if he becomes president,, He will blame her for all his goof ups and mistakes,,,Just like he pays two and three hundred dollars  for every pair of shoes he owns,, If he's elected president is Americans who will pay for all his flip-flops..OBAMA & BIDEN in 08

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