
Did McCain already knock Obama on his a ss before the campaign begins?

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He chose a beautiful, successful woman Governor named Palin for his V.P.

---What a shrewd move.---Is this an example of how experience trumps "cool"?




  1. Yes. McCain gave the Democrats a gift today. I'm still laughing.  

  2. YES!

    Who is Obama.... Didnt they have some party in Denver last night?

    Havent seen him in the news today! LOL

  3. i  agree  what  a  pleasure  to  have  a  new comer  involved  instead  of  the  same old  same old

  4. no obama hired a much more skilled person that McCain...i dont think ladies should be running for V.Ps ..looks dont matter in Politics ..its ideas that for Mccain will bring nothing but trouble into the US..since i will stilll take advice from bush...we need a change ppl for Obama

  5. could be but a pretty face wont win him the election

  6. Knocked him right down on the seat in the oval office

  7. Wow. He made a politically correct maverick move by picking a woman. What a wonderful liberal political correct gesture. He will just keep flip flopping and blowing in the politically correct winds. He will just stab us in the back again.

    I'll vote BOB BARR, thanks.

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