
Did McCain choose Palin to try and sweep up some of Hillary's supporters?

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Did McCain choose Palin to try and sweep up some of Hillary's supporters?




  1. most people speculate that since he noticed he got some of her supporters when she left the race...

  2. Yes and No.  For those who had the hots for Hillary they will definitely switch sides now.  I think Hillary's main appeal was that she had already gone through her idealistic stage and perhaps had a more realism take on things.

  3. He chose Palin because she is like Mike Huckabee with a v****a and he believes that vaginas stick together.

  4. Even if he did, Palin is no Senator Clinton.  It's like comparing costume jewelry with a diamond, isn't it?

  5. He might have, but what he got was 85 million Evangelists voters!

    They will be pouring huge money into his campaign, smart move John McCain!

  6. I kind of think he did it at the advice of his party handlers, who knew that McCain's other choices (like Lieberman, or Ridge) were going to alienate the christian conservatives.

    If he did it to get Hillary supporters that was a serious miscalculation on his part. Besides, Hillary has told her supporters to vote for Obama. Bill Clinton did the same. Any "Hillary supporter" who still wants to vote for McCain after that is probably more interested in having a female, ANY female, for president, than they were in having Hillary be president.

    PUMA is backed by Republican interests. Fake internet Hillary supporters for McCain are legion. Many are probably being paid by the McCain campaign - he is paying people to comment on websites.

  7. The Obama sexists are terrified of Palin. Look at some of their posts in this thread.

  8. No, he chose her because she is a fellow maverick who shares his passion and record for reform and reducing government spending.  They have a common goal, and that is to clean up government and make it more efficient.  

    Here's some facts about Palin that he would have certainly taken into consideration in making his choice.

    *Her approval ratings as governor are the highest in the nation, never falling below 80%!

    *She has a PROVEN track record as a reformer and has gone after corruption in both parties!

    *She has drastically cut government waste as both mayor of Wasilla and governor of Alaska. Her first act as Mayor was to give herself a pay cut. As governor, she got rid of some excess staffers in the governor's mansion saying "I can make sandwiches for the children myself." She sold the state's private jet on e-bay. She returned federal government funds and put an end to the "Bridge to Nowhere". (There's more, but you would have to be pretty dense not to get the picture.)

    *She choose to allow her Downs Syndrome child to be born, not giving just lip service to her Pro-Life stance.

    *Under her leadership, the state coffers are much so that all citizens of Alaska will soon receive (or maybe already have) a tax rebate in the thousands, not the hundreds.

    *She is Captain of the Alaska's National Guard. She knows what it is like to be a military commander. Even if on a smaller scale than Commnder and Chief, still much more than Obama or Biden can say.

    *She has dealt with the President of Russia on a fairly regular basis regarding fishing rights,etc. and has been proclaimed by him as one of the few American politicians he trusts. (This is especially helpful now with the whole Russia/Georgia situation. She has his ear and his respect...and doesn't Obama believe negotiation is the way to go in dealing with international crisis?!)

    *She's one of us, not a Washington insider. Her working class credentials are impeccable. Her husband is even a member of the United Steel Workers Union. (That will be especially important to people in states like Pennsylvania and the steel mill workers there.)

    As to the experience issue, she is the ONLY candidate (and I must include McCain in that) who has experience in the Administrative Branch of government as governor of her state. Senators are members of the Legislative Branch. Her 2 years as governor trumps Obama's 1 year as a Jr. Senator...most of that time being spent campaigning for the Presidency.

    The fact that she shores up his conservative base and ticks off the Obama crowd is just icing on the cake

  9. it wont work,hillary supporters are smart enough to realize that palin is the exact opposite of hillary,if there really smart,they will take her advice and vote obama!

    "no way,no how,no mccain"

  10. Gosh----does every far-left liberal think everyone is as nasty as they are?-----perhaps this man DOES love his country enough to want to choose a genuine solid honest person? This sounds very sexist to me---proving liberals have little substance once again.

  11. Maybe !!

    Obama wants to give our sovereignty away to the United Nations through his Global Poverty Act (S.2433).

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than Obama!!


  12. Mcsame must do what he is told don't you get it Rove wants her he said he only spoke to her twice and you don't think you should question his judgement.

  13. I don't think so.there's A LOT more than 1 woman in politics.

  14. No. Mainly to shore-up his base. Anything else is just a bonus.

  15. No, if one was a Hillary supporter chances are they still are, Hillary and Palin differ greatly.  

    Hillary is pro choice, Palin is pro life,

    Hillary is against the death penalty, Palin is not,

    Hillary is against drilling, Palin is for drilling,

    Hillary is against gun ownership Palin is pro NRA,

    Hillary wants a universal health care, Palin wants families to have choices and make decisions.  

    She was chosen because she is deep in the core values of real republicans.  I think it was a good choice and the benifit of being a woman!

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