
Did McCain choose Sarah to get the evangelical and female vote instead of for her record?

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Evangelical Christian ( Garner the rightwing religious vote)

Female (Mostly Hilary supporters would consider now)

Hot (American men vote for s*x)




  1. So Biden is more qualified than Hillary?  Give me a break.  He picked Sarah because of her executive experience.


  2. Let's actually discuss her record.

    She saw corruption in her state, fought against it and won!!  She's a reformer, just like McCain.  She doesn't care about "politics as normal" if she sees a problem she takes it on to correct it regardless of what party she's stepping on to do it.

    She's a FANTASTIC choice.  Dems are just reeling because they didn't see it coming.

  3. Maybe. Just like Obama chose Biden to get the lower class white, catholic vote. VP's are chosen to help the candidate win. It goes both ways, at least be a little objective.

  4. Who cares? She brings a wealth of other values to the McCain ticket. She'll be a great VP.

  5. Her record is better than Obama's.  She's been a mayor and is a governor which means she has the executive experience that no Senator has.  She is commander of the Alaskan National Guard.  She has an 80% approval rating by Alaskans.  She has cleaned up Alaska and that's what the American people want done in Washington, D.C.  Biden has been there over 30 years and he hasn't cleaned up anything.  Obama has spent most of his time as Senator running for President!  He hasn't done anything.      

  6. Yes this is why picked her. However it isn't men that vote based on looks. It's WOMEN. I didn't really like McCain. I wasn't going to vote for him. I would have wrote ronpaul in and if I couldn't i just wasn't going to vote. Since he picked her. My vote is for Palin. Not McCain but Palin.  

  7. Yeah, I can't wait until some of her old college chums start spilling the beans about her party days. When she was at the U of Idaho, the drinking age in Idaho was 19. Kids would go across from Washington State University (about 15 miles away) to get blasted in Idaho. Both schools were known as big time party schools.

  8. I don't know. I'm shocked. I don't understand why he did this, but your probably right. He had n connection to the evangelical right.

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