
Did McCain doom himself?

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Obviously picking Palin is a desperate choice because he can't compete with Obama's popularity and youth.

He's trying to win votes away from Obama as if the 84,000 people at his speech last night are unsure of voting for him. The days of just saying 9/11 and people thinking the Democrats won't keep us safe are long gone. He can't just pick a young inexprenced woman and expect to win.




  1. This is just a wild guess but I think more than 84,000 people will vote in this election.  I think Palin was an excellent choice.  McCain doesn't have a huge experience gap to fill so picking someone like her really adds to the ticket.  If he was as inexperienced as Obama obviously he would have been forced to go with someone else.

  2. She is as qualified as Obammy.

    84,000 people won't win an election.

    McCain trumped the bullshit speech made last night, perfect timing.

    Doomed?  I think not.

  3. His choices seem much more of a change than Obama's.

  4. He was already doomed. The only thing this pick will do is to guarantee that he wins one state--Alaska.


  5. yes, he will lose November. I can see the ads now Sarah Palin wife of oil producer and supports drilling ANWR. LOL Plus she is currently under investigation. What a hoot.

  6. and Obama plays the race what is your point?

  7. Why don't we see what the polls say in a week?  I doubt anyone here is undecided.

  8. i am unsure if he "doomed" his campaign, i do believe there where better choices that where open to him.

    hey for all we know all of the intelligent "dims" turn the veep spot slot from, obama, yeah all 3 of them. ( biden who has a history of physical surgery required issues, his aneurysms 3 operations by the way has a no intelligence required get out of jail card, this a heart beat away? h**l biden is far more likely to die before mccain )

    best choice: NO.

    pasted over better :YES

    screwed his chances: Most Likely as she really adds nothing spectacular to the ticket other than her lack of substance is less than obamas.

    Mccain could have secured conservatives, pro life, anti gun control, pro capital punishment, and those wary of unchecked government spending, and More than what plagiarism's poster child " smoking joe i wrote it all by myself" Biden by choice of former U S Senator Mike De Wine of Ohio who is known catholic 9 kids former states attorney etc etc .oh yeah 20 electoral vote up for grabs, versus 3 sure thing from the north star state.

    so maybe the maverick is just as stupid as a "dim".

    Arizona are you missing an idiot?

    I am a life long constitutionalists republican, who has voted for dems when the best candidate, something the no thinking allowed "dims" NEVER do, cross party line on ticket

  9. The Cons are Desperate !

  10. I think she's a smart pick.  A lot of conservative complain that McCain is too liberal and a lot of liberals complain he is an old man.  So Palin will keep the conservatives happy and she counters the idiotic old argument..

    Yep it's 84,000 to zero or a tie..

  11. Oh, but she seems nice.  Hopefully, she bones up on all she'll have to to cover for him when he kicks it. Frankly, I can see her baking cookies for Putin as her diplomatic foreign policy.    

  12. She's married to an oil executive. these guys just never learn!

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