
Did McCain feel a need to balance the Republican ticket so it had as much inexperience as Obama.?

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Did McCain feel a need to balance the Republican ticket so it had as much inexperience as Obama.?




  1. McCain thought he needed someone with some executive experience because he himself has none.  

  2. Nah the rep ticket STILL has a lot more experience. Funny how his VP choice has so much more experience that their POTUS choice.

  3. Palin has more executive experience then Obama.  Obama chose a good old boy for VP.  Some change,huh.

  4. McCain has fought against government waste/corruption and Palin has also fought against government waste/corruption.

    McCain has proved he can be bipartisan when needed, Palin has proved she can be bipartisan.

    That is why he picked her, she is the best choice.

  5. she has more executive experience than Obama and Biden and Hilary put together!

  6. McCain did what Barack's wife would NOT let him do... Put a woman on the ticket....

    Barack Obama is a Joke!

    Why on Earth... How on Earth could He become President of the United States of America & the Commander & Chief of the Entire Armed Forces of the USA... for any other reason but he is black ?

  7. Actually, Ms Palin has more executive experience than both Obama and Biden.

  8. LOL.  Actually, I think her executive experience is much more relevant than anything any of the others have done.

  9. McCain only chose her to pander to former Clinton supporters. That is all. McCain is using sexism and women to get votes. I doubt whether he even cares about Palin outside for what she can do for him to get elected.

    It is low and despicable. Palin would never had been considered if Clinton didn't run.

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