
Did McCain intend to pick Pawlenty but committed another verbal gaffe and told his advisers "I want Palin"?

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Wouldn't that explain a lot?




  1. Nope just look at her record.

  2. Who knows. Even Alaskans question his choice:

  3. Too late now! ;-)

  4. He saw her approval ratings.  Meet the REAL reform ticket.

    Dear "fighting_the_good_fight_daily", Ok, I know it's wrong, but I totally laughed!  

  5. He meant to say Putin!

  6. McCain chose Palin because she is a great addition to the campaign.

  7. He picked Palin because Bush and Cheney told him to. They have something up their sleeve.  

  8. With her on the ticket, it makes empty suit and the obnoxious, big mouth pretty ordinary.

  9. No...

  10. Good one.  But seriously, Pawlenty would have been a real snoozer of a pick.  Palin is a rocket.  Watch out for her next week.  She's gonna be good.  We need to back off of her and left her have her day.  After that, she won't matter.

  11. grow up. This type of ageism is the reason so many are turned off by the party.  

  12. That would only make sense to an Obot.

    Actually, the Obots should be pretty embarrassed that BOTH names on the Republican ticket show more qualifications to be President of the United States than B.O.

    McCain - MUCH more substance and more politcal experience than B.O.

    Palin - more executive experience and executive accomplishments than B.O.

    Thus, all clear-thinking Americans should vote...

    McCain/Palin in '08

  13. Haaa! that is so funny! McCain is not that dim!  

  14. Yes, you are correct.  McCain is an old, sick man.  He definetly wanted Pallenty.  He even told Pawlenty that he was going to choose him but then he choked at the last secound, and it came out Palin.  Everyone started cheering, and he couldn't take it back.... and the rest is history.  

  15. Sorry Eddy....Republicans don't make mistakes.....not then, not now and not in November!

  16. Nope.  He picked someone with a strong conservative record, executive experience, a record of standing up to big oil and getting things done.  Someone who TRULY represents change, not just lip service.

    dready...dems might pick Putin...stop projecting!

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