
Did McCain just lose the evangelical vote?

by Guest64676  |  earlier

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Evengelicals do not believe women are capable of leadership. (they are wrong of course) but how will they rectify the difference between their own bigotry and McCain's vp pick?




  1. ARE YOU KIDDING?! I'm Evangelical and I don't believe that. when the bible was written it was much different, but things have progressed significantly.  I support McCain more than ever.  The way I think of it is "Would God care that she is a woman?"  And I think the answer is no, so I support her, and McCain

  2. We do not need that narrow mindedness, that is how we got Bush.

  3. As long as Obama is still in the race, McCain will be fine.

  4. No.  

    Are you going to send me an obscene, hateful email now?

  5. They do NOT think that way! Gimmie a break!

  6. That belief only applies to the Church and interpretation of scripture.

  7. I love all you guys that pretend to know real evangelicals or conservatives..  sure you do

  8. Nope He just secured mine

  9. in true liberal have no idea about Christian doctrine.  Christian will embrace this and vote Republican, again. Where was God during the DNC? Was He ever mention?

  10. probably some of it...

  11. You are so full of your self its not funny.  If anything he just got most of us back.

    A smart, educated mom who stand for LIFE?  and you think we want support her?  if anyone is the bigot just look in your mirror.

  12. If only Evangelicals and conservatives fit into the box, nice and neat, the way libs believe they do.  

    Evangelicals will vote for this candidate based on her value system and her vision for this great country.

    The only people who worry about skin color, s*x organs, religion, sexual preference (and so on), are the lefties.  

  13. Nah. Palin's a big time Christian. They love her. She's a 2-yr gov, and a "hockey mom" (her words) and beauty queen. She's just what they want women to be.  

  14. No, he just gained the disgruntled Hillary supporters.

  15. She's pro-life!

    The pastor at my church is a woman so you're wrong!

  16. LOL. She is pro life.......that will bring them on board.

  17. You are dreaming.  Ever see a female evangelical?  They are out there.  

  18. What?  Of course not.  And I really don't think the majority of evangelicals believes that, being both an evangelical and a woman myself.  

  19. Most Republicans I know, have that: 'A woman's place is in the kitchen' mentality.  So maybe McCain picked her to baby cook his food.

    One female V.P. pick does not negate the lack of female leadership in the Republican Party, now does it?

  20. I'm not familiar with the Evengelical beliefs, but it sure sounds like you have a heck of a point.   Go Obama!

  21. You don't know much about evangelicals.

    Ever notice how it is the liberals who are so prejudiced and intolerant of other beliefs?

  22. what?

  23. women should be in the kitchen  

  24. They love her,They respect honesty and good judgment,

  25. if the "evangelicals" had a significant voice in this election, McCain would not have been the nominee....statistically, they are small in number compared to....let's say.....independent female voters...

  26. Who can really tell?

    As far as I'm concerned, people busy themselves worrying about everything BUT what really matters.

  27. Most that hold that opinion are more racist than sexist, he'll be okay.

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