
Did McCain just make his age a much bigger issue in this election?

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If Obama was not so hated by Some. Would this even be a competition? Governing Alaska does not expose you to most of the nagging questions of our time Domestic or Foreign.




  1. If Palin had some heavy duty academic credentials or shown some signs of great thinking, I might disagree. For example, Obama has a Harvard Law degree, which shows a capacity to get up to speed on many complex issues quickly to compensate for lack of experience.

    NEITHER McCain nor Palin have anything in their background to show that.  

  2. Neither doe's being a community leader in charge of a budget for one Taco Bell.

  3. Obama told us all that age doesn't matter by picking a 66 year old running mate. You know something is wrong when people are comparing the experience of Palin to Obama. For a Democrat to bring up experience is silly.  

  4. True, but it does offer experience in the one thing that neither Obama or Biden have.

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