
Did McCain just throw his chances down the drain?

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I am watching the intro. to Palin as VP & it is so awkward. Do you like his pick? tell if you are a (R) ...(D) or (I)




  1. McCain's chances for the Presidency just went in the John. I'm a Democrat and I think McCain's choice of Palin was totally calculated and an attempt to pander to the women who were supporting Hillary, but who now support Barack Obama/ Joe Biden. Palin is against women having the right to choose and given that she's on the Republican ticket she's probably against equal pay for equal work too. She's not a very good candidate given her limited experience. McCain can't accuse Obama of a "lack of experience" anymore because Obama has more experience than Abraham Lincoln had before he was elected President. And Obama certainly has more experience than Palin.

    Republicans also seem to forget that George W. Bush didn't have much experience before he became President either.


  2. One can only hope it backfires on McCain.

    OBAMA in '08!

  3. I am a Democrat and think Palin was a terrible choice. Very right wing, anti chose, creationist, lacking in experience and corrupt

  4. (I) I don't know if his chances will drain automatically, it was definitely an interesting move that will rock the boat to this election!  

  5. If this is an example of his judgement, he is in trouble.

  6. Nope- his pick was strictly strategic - trying to get women voters. Blatantly pandering and hoping to woo misinformed voters.

  7. (I) No, it was a smart move in that he is trying to get the millions of women voters who are angry that Hillary did not win.  However, McCain is not as polished or slick as Obama is.  So hopefully his choice for VP will be smoother then he is and make good TV, so to speak.

  8. I am Republican and I like the pick. I am also watching the intro. She is doing well under pressure. I see some nervousness, heck...who wouldn't be? She was just asked to run for vice president and she has some stage fright. That will disappear very quickly. I am reminded of when Barack Obama first started to really publicly campaign. His lack of self confidence was blaring. Not at all now, though. He adjusted to the changing role very quickly. I believe she will also adjust quickly. Watch her over the next 3 or 4 appearances. Human behavior is fascinating (especially as an observer).

  9. (ID) Only time will tell us who will have made the dumber decision; McCain or the American people. This is a very ill advised VP pick, but, alas, we've been here before , yet look where we are now.

  10. She delivered a nice speech but dont think she will ever be in the White House or Mc Cain. I am a Democrat.

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