
Did McCain know about Palin's pregnant 17 yr old daughter before ?

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he selected her for the VP slot?

Do you think McCain made a big mistake here?




  1. The only person who could answer this question is McCain, and he is unlikely to give a true answer. It makes little difference for the electors will only obey the "doctrine writers" of the top million airs.

  2. Yes he knew

  3. I dont know any pregnant teens moms running for vice president.

  4. Probably did, and probably still made the choice.

    I think it is a good example for them of how to deal with these complicated family issues in the way they believe in and support.

  5. yes he knew, its just a sign of the times

  6. Look a parent can do everything in there power to help and prevent there kids from getting in certain situations however parents can't be supervising their kids 24/7.

    This just goes to show that the abstinence in s*x education is not working. Hopefully if and when she gets to be vp she can change that policy from the last republican that was in office.

  7. But what about the question of whom the real mother is of the child

    with downs syndrome

    Sarah claims to be the mother here?

    But is it Bristol's kid?

    What a soap opera this is turning into

  8. Yes he knew.. she was forthcoming in the vetting process....

    I dont think its a mistake... i think it makes her look more like the "normal person"... do you know how many pregnant teens are out there?!

  9. john probably knew...but he doesn't care and quickly forgot about it. Never mind the hypocrisy involved.

  10. For one I am not a fan of Palin because of political reasons, but who cares about her pregnant daughter, shoot half of the teenage population is pregnant or has a baby, it does not mean in any way she is a bad mother or Governor!! Everyone has problems, no matter who they are.. Should you be looked down on if your teenage daughter is irresponsible and accidentally gets pregnant?

  11. Yes he knew and chose her anyway.  No mistake just plain good sense.  It has been a while since there was a fiscal conservative in D.C.  And SO what her daughter is pregnant oh boy first for that.  Better yet with her long time boyfriend who is going to marry her.  So Is she a bad person for NOT going on welfare?

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