
Did McCain know that Alaska legislators on Monday voted to spend up to $100,000 to investigate Sarah Palin?

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JUNEAU -- Alaska legislators on Monday voted to spend up to $100,000 to investigate Gov. Sarah Palin's controversial firing of former state Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan.

The decision came from the Legislative Council, a bipartisan panel of state senators and representatives.

The committee itself will not conduct the probe. Rather, it will hire an independent investigator to explore whether Palin, her family or members of her administration pressured Monegan to fire an Alaska state trooper involved in a rough divorce from Palin's sister.

Monegan contends he did feel such pressure, and the question for the investigator will be whether Monegan might have lost his job for failing to dismiss trooper Mike Wooten.

Palin has denied applying any pressure or otherwise abusing her power as governor.




  1. Yes

  2. Your weeks must be very long since this happened on July 28th.

    Please clarify which monday you are referring to.

  3. did you see the interview with her a while back where she said she welcomes the investigation be cause she had perfect legal and gubernatorial rights to do so.

    did you also know she appointed dem's and indy's to her cabinet

  4. This is the same thing they did to that lady politician in Texas, after she won an election.  It's the price you pay for being a successful woman in politics.

    If someone fires a lame employee, the person firing likely gets away with it without any problem whatsoever, unless maybe the person is a female politician.

  5. my view:  anyone in public office making a decision that impacts the life or career of another public servant is going to be investigated.  for heaven's sake, if we can create an $80 mln lawsuit over coffee spilled in a lap, this investigation is not out of the ordinary.  isn't the real issue here that palin is someone who makes decisions and stands by them, not pandering to the public by checking polls to see what her opinion is supposed to be?

  6. Oh how liberal of you to offer this up right away. My honest opinion is that if anyone  needs investigating it is barry obama.  I suspect she will come out with far less dangerous results than an obama investigation......................

  7. Well, it's looks like Palin was almost perfect, but I bet her resume and references are way better than Obama's.

    Let's check off all the pros and cons of each candidate and I bet Palin has more pros than cons.

  8. >> The committee itself will not conduct the probe.  Rather, it will hire an independent investigator

    That says to me that they don't really think too much of the claims and don't feel like wasting their time on it.  $100,000 may sound like a lot, but to a government, it's pocket change.

    Let us know when you come up with something of significance, okay?

  9. and did you know the Prosecuter has said Palin and her office has been very cooprtative and has handed over all documents and recordings without hesitation.

    It takes Obama 4 monnths to admit that Rev Wright was spreading hate

    Has only released his tax returns and refuses to release anyy other documents.

  10. I say this out of respect for Palin. I don't know her at all nor do I have political emotions toward her. My feeling is that she will be a disaster because she has no experience dealing with a media that is so intrusive and hostile and has 24 hours a day to fill with air time that there is no way she can not s***w up. It has to happen.

    If Biden who is a totally seasoned pro gets foot in the mouth disease Palin will easily eclipse him with errors. And her being chosen I predict will be similar to Tom Eagleton choice of 1972 in being a disastrous for the Republican ticket.

    Folks, experience with the media and national eye means something. No one in the media will be looking to trap her or make her look bad but what will happen is that the lack of experience in dealing with the national press and their 24 hour media cycle will be so relentless that she'll s***w up right off the bat and soon McCain will regret the choice and be shown to have poor judgment here. Very poor judgment.

  11. Thank You John McCain!

  12. Liar. That's a smear from the good ole boys who hate women because she ratted them out for their illegal actions.

  13. This is hardly news... and not surprising. Palin has made a lot of enemies within the Alaskan legislature, because she had a take-no-prisoners approach to cleaning out the corruption up there. In other words... this is payback. What did happen in the allegations was that the ex-brother-in-law cop was beating his wife and tasered the kids for punishment. a Palin STAFFER... without clearing it through Palin... did make statements to the trooper's boss about firing him. When Palin found out, she fired the STAFFER.

  14. Now, does anyone seriously think McCain would have considered Palin for one second if he thought there was anything to this investigation, the lead investigator that has been appointed has already said he seriously doubts there is a "smoking gun" in this investigation, one newspaper in Alaska has said this investigation was brought on by the very people Palin ousted from the government, you know that "good ol' boy" network in politics. Palin is here to stay and she will make a great VP and maybe a great president after McCain has served his terms.

  15. That will go down in history as the dumbest Veep pick ever.  I don't think we even have to hold the election anymore.  In about a week, the poll numbers are going to show Obama at least 20 points ahead.  

  16. Yes, he does and wait till the dirt starts coming out

  17. Hmmmm...

    So a small town populist stands up against corruption in her own party and fights for reform to the point of unseating an incumbent governor in her own parties primary and goes on to be elected as governor in a general election and then cleans house and fires all of the cronies..oh yeah from her own party and forms a new cabinet for true reform.

    Yep, this is change I can believe in.

    I suppose the old guard will be investigating her..makes perfect sense.

  18. You see,,This is only another example of Republican  HYPOCRISY!! DO AS I SAY,, AND NOT AS I DO!!  Yes I'll clean house,,Yes I'll be tough with corruption,,and THERE,,its gone...NOW,,  Let me start my OWN corruption !! :"So you won't fire my sisters exhusband now divorced,,Well, maybe YOU don't need to be here then." Of course that's not the way it REALLY happens.. RIGHT!! And thats why the council voted 12 to 0 to investigate her !!  Usually where there's smoke there's somebody  ''SMOKIN"       L    H

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