
Did McCain overestimate the stupidity of the American electorate, or is it just more Rove brilliance?

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Seems to me the dems typically overestimate the American voter while the republicans go negative and appeal to the basest human emotional qualities (ie.. fear and nationalistic pride). Has McCain gone a little overboard with Palin? Is this a brilliant move somehow that we just can't see yet or is this exactly what it appears to be?




  1. Everyone is underestimating McCain,,,,,,,,the choice of Governor Palin was brilliant.

  2. Time Out

    Why doesn't the political world make sense anymore?

    Try this on for size. I'm not saying that this is how it is; I'm just saying that this is how the illogical facts start to make some sense.

    McCain is a good guy and an experienced statesman. He has always served his country honorably and competently. So why, when he runs for President, does he suddenly lose his mind?

    Perhaps he hasn't. It is no secret that the Neocons have hijacked the Republican Party. It is also no secret that they have done untold damage to the nation. And…it is also no secret that since his candidacy began; McCain has appeared to "be on board" with the Neocons.

    Is it possible that since the "Georgia" thing that McCain has realized how deeply the Neocons have already infiltrated his machine…

    …and are in the process of setting him up as an accomplice in order to force him to do their bidding?

    McCain, being McCain may have figured out how to out-smart them.

    Exhibit 1) McCain has stated "he would rather lose an election than a war". It makes sense that he would rather lose an election than allow a corrupt cabal to control our government.

    Exhibit 2) Sarah Palin…Why her? Out of all of the people, he had to choose from, why did he pick her for a running mate. […she also has not shied from confronting Exxon Mobil, BP and ConocoPhillips.] + [In the state "she's viewed ... as almost anti-oil. She's probably pro-oil from a national perspective, but she's not in the pocket of Big Oil. She's fought them at every step.]

    …[McCain introduced his newly minted running mate to the crowd at Consol Energy Park, citing her record of "reform and public integrity."]

    Exhibit 2a) Palin was a total surprise and from an obscure area of the "continental" U.S.. Did  McCain who has stressed  Obama's inexperience purposely make a seemingly inconsistent trade-off of experience in order to find an outsider that the Neocons had not "put the touch" on?

    Exhibit 3) The risk to Palin as the running mate. It is minimal. Worst-case scenario…she sticks to her guns and they lose the election. She is now a household name, where before, few people outside of Alaska had heard of her.

    Exhibit 4) Win or lose the Election, the Republican party wins. Personally I feel that McCain/Palin is the weaker ticket against Obama/Biden (although for the sake of this essay I am making the case for the Republicans out of my duty to country [don't get used to it, these moods don't last long]) they could conceivably win.

    If they lose, the "chain of abuse" from the Neocons that now control the White House, therefore the Executive Branch including all intelligence/law enforcement, will be broken and the Republicans can rebuild their party without the interference of  the "dark forces".

    If they can win (without succumbing to the Neocons), they will have done the impossible. They will control the Executive Branch and they will be able to clean house as they see fit.

    Exhibit 5) The Republican Convention. It hasn't happened yet. But this is where it will become apparent whether McCain has a plan, or has just lost his mind.

    What are we looking for? Distancing from (or preferably snubbing) of the Neocons (particularly Bush, Cheney and any of their henchmen).

    Protocol requires their presence at the event but there will be things to look for.

    Exhibit 5a) The code for "Neocon". The Republican party has an unwritten rule forbidding the utterance of the word. Look for the term such as "there are those in our party" that will be used to denote the Neocons, and then an attempt to distance the ticket from these individuals.

    Exhibit 5b) Terms that distance McCain from the bush administration. This is less important because it is already a theme of the ticket. But stressing this point (preferably enough to p**s Cheney off and make Bush cry ) is a good sign.

    In summary, I am not stating that I know that this is what is going on, I am merely stating that things haven't made sense lately and this could explain the weirdness.

    I also feel that Obama is highly intelligent and I could tell by Bill Clinton's speech the other night that Obama and Biden have earned the TOTAL backing of the entire Washington Democratic brain trust…and they are going to win.

    The whole point of me writing this is to acknowledge McCain's dedication to serving his country, and Palin's courage to enter this fight.

    That may be the last nice things I say about them for a while so I hope you enjoyed them.

    Time-in (sorry about the lengthy post)

  3. I think it's brilliant. The pros outweigh the cons.

    She helps solidify the Republicans hesitant of McCain based on her social values. She will energize Republican women. She will take tons of media focus off of Barack for the next few months and she is far more interesting than Biden. She will also be very hard to attack and Biden will have trouble cornering her without looking like a hostile bully.

    Obama will also have the task of taking out a second woman in an election. First Hillary, now Palin.

    I highly doubt Palin was picked to get Hillary voters by the way. People who say that are confused. She is too conservative to do that.

  4. Rove (but not brilliant more like kneejerk reaction to Obama's DNC speech )

  5. Well Dear you obviously are a little slow on the draw since you haven't caught up with the rest of us the only intelligent thing u have uttered here is the expression ''brilliant move''

    and in that two little words you have captured the es sense of the remainder of this well fought bitter battle,for the Leader of the Free World[,,,,AKA.....President of the United States of America.

    Newsflash, be the reporter on your block, here's a heads up and i only do this for good friends like you ..inside info ,,,,roll with it...get that pulitzer for breaking ''NEWS''

    And the Leader is President McCain and VP. Sarah Palin

  6. He thinks women are stupid(hence his wives)..he gambled and he lost

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