
Did McCain pick Palin to help him out in the Oval Office?

by  |  earlier

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If so, will she be helping him change his depends, or will he have his own nurse for that?




  1. hehe

  2. Perhaps

  3. Age discrimination and it's not even funny.

    If you call this humor then I bet you really liked Epic Movie.  

  4. Something tells me you know a lot about urinating on yourself.  

  5. grow up. you just make your party look like the party of teenagers that you are.

  6. lol thats great!  

  7. He picked Palin because she is tough, smart, and she can do the job as President if McCain can't.  Biden would be a disaster as a President if Obama could serve.

  8. You have the wrong party, thats Bubba Clintons job, wheres the next intern?

    McCain in 08  

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