
Did McCain pick Sarah because no one else wanted to do it?

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Did McCain pick Sarah because no one else wanted to do it?




  1. Palin is the epitome of the ignorance and maliciousness of the Rep Party. She's as far right as one can get, and she's nowhere near Hillary Clinton in ideals, intelligence or experience. The only thing she can claim to have in common with Hillary is a v****a. And I hope no one is stupid enough to vote a person into office simply because they have a v****a. Obama is the best presidential candidate that we've had in decades, and unlike McCain, he has chosen a competent and qualified running mate.  

  2. No she was picked because she is the right woman for the job, and so that when Obama gets beat, America can't scream Racism. It will just look like he got beat, by a woman. Get with the program. Don't you know by now, how Democracy works in America. John McCain has already won, they just have to wait until November to tell Obama.


  3. You make a good point, but expanding on that point, the bigger picture with the McCain campaign is that any press is good press. And picking a corrupt, inexperienced, radical and quite hated Governor as your VP creates a lot of buzz.

  4. McCain didn't pick Palin  -  God did. And she won't let McCain forget that.

  5. It might be that, but I really think McCane doesn't really want to win. No one else wanted to put their political career directly on the line, Sarah is an outsider, and you know how cutthroat politicians can get. They want to have someone to point the finger at when they lose in November, since they can never take the blame on themselves. We need to be very careful here, she is only 44. If something were to happen that McCane could not continue, she would not be eligible to take over. Think that over before throwing your vote away on the McCane/Palin ticket.

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