
Did McCain say that it's fine for a state to fly the confagerate flag over it's state capital?

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Ya know stars & bars, slavery, redneck, we really should hang on to that shining moment in American history.




  1. No but Did Barack Hussein Obama  say that it's fine for a state to fly the Malcolm X flag over it's state capital?

  2. Nope.  But he did get wound up in the South Carolina controversy--inadvertently, I believe--some years ago.

  3. he better not have! tell me you're kidding!

    ps - i know you meant to type confederate but you said confagerate dahahaha

    i'm done.

  4. We fly our own flag from our flag poles in the socialist republic of the state of Washington.  Why can't other states fly their state flag of choice?

  5. Got a better question. Why is it that African Americans(it seems) prefer the idea of socialism or even possibly communism over true freedom and independence?That really does astonish me.

    They should be able to fly what ever the h**l the state wants to. Why do you even care?..............Seriously?

  6. Firstly, the confederate flag for most Southerners signifies a Southern identity and pride in it, not being a "redneck." It's pretty ignorant to say that racism was the sole cause of the Southern secession; they had constantly been fighting with the North over pretty much all policies at the federal level even before the US was formed. I really don't have a problem with Southerners flying that flag, and it's not like there's going to be a second civil war. So just let it go.

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