
Did McCain screwed up?

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I saw someone post this on Yahoo Answers

"McCain just committed political suicide by picking her. His arguments that Obama is too inexperienced have just been tossed out the window. The VP must also make a credible President. So, that must mean he feels that she is credible even though she has less experience than Obama. Also, she is being investigated for abusing her power. You would think that he would have picked someone who has experience and is not being investigated. I knew I could count on McCain s******g this up! Obama has this election locked now. Thank you John McCain!"

What are your comments?




  1. It is so wonderful to hear a politician that was so genuine–someone Americans can easily relate to and admire. With McCain/Palin, there seems a slim chance there might be change they can deliver, rather than change we can “believe in.”

    And how does Palin have less experience than Obama ???

    She has served in elective office since 1992 compared to becoming a State Senator in 1997.  

  2. Because they fear. The latest (liberal) MSNBC Poll has Obama falling like a meteor

    He's toast, take him out and slap on some butter

  3. Democrats and their trolls are working overtime to smear Governor Palin, but American voters are more patient and intelligent than that.

    The Biden/Obama ticket will go down in flames!

  4. In regards to just the miss worded question....only if his wife is on top

  5. Points from a very scared Obamabot as he knows Hillary voters are now looking at McCain's camp with more interest now that Palin is on the ticket.  

    This paragraph was more for the poster's confirmational benefit than addressing the audience.

  6. When DOESN'T he s***w up?  

    It's like looking at another Bush.

    I rest my case.

  7. I think McCain made a huge error in judgment in selecting Palin.  It seems obvious that the GOP thinks they can attract Hillary supporters by running a woman.  What they fail to realize is that Palin and Hillary share absolutely nothing in common as far as their core beliefs and political agendas.

  8. If BO wasn't so insecure he wouldn't have to tear down the competition.

    Nothing I hate more than bad losers--and BO can't run a campaign based on integrity--if he could--I'd have taken a more serious look at him.

    He should've chosen Hillary as his VP-if he really wanted to win.

    He's the one who's screwed here-Joe Biden--what a monkey man he is--failed at everything he's tried to do.

    At least Palin is a successful Governor and mother and wife and countrywoman.

    I respect anyone who is willing to do such a nasty job as be in politics.

  9. His campaign has made a serious strategic error.  Once the initial hype dies down, the American voter will have time to think about it.  McCain has sealed his fate, he will only make it to the White House as a guest of President Obama.

  10. oh the election

    a bunch of people no one wants to vote for

    and the ones voteing have no ideal what's going on
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