
Did McCain take away any bounce that Obama otherwise might have gotten in the polls coming out of his ?

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convention, when McCain made his vp announcement today?

Do you feel sorry for poor little Obama?

Was this just a nice birthday present for the 72 year old McCain?




  1. He may have.  I was expecting a decent bounce following a pretty good speech by Obama yesterday, we'll have to wait and see..

  2. No. I feel sorry for McCain who was barely holding on not to puke

    Rubber smile, empty look, ticking eye, uncontrollable movements like a dying cancer patient.... Pity to watch...

  3. Yes...McCain is happy. He got TWO bounces.

  4. Yep. I can't even remember Obama's speech.  

  5. yes

    the bounce is all gone

    sorry Obama

  6. Well see how gallup turns up tomorrow.  I'm just curious.

  7. The greatest pole jump during the conventions was Clinton with 16 points. I bet McCains pick will come close to that.

  8. The polls went nowhere for Obama all week.  I didnt see any numbers last night after his speech, though.  I think his problems go far beyond McCains announcement.

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