
Did McCain throw a monkey wrench in the Obamaniacs plans?

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He did it well. Way to go old man that they thought was too senile to do such a smart thing. You should them.




  1. Shoot, McCain threw the whole tool box! Great pick!

  2. No, he just lost the election. Unbelievable idiocy. For which I am eternally grateful.  

  3. Are you senile?

  4. No, but he picked a monkey for his VP.

  5. It was more like an atomic bomb.

  6. Now he is lacking his number one argument against Obama

    Obama was nominated by the Dem. party through caucuses and primaries as the leader they wanted, though some say he is inexperienced

    McCain hand picked inexperience in Palin

    How can the Repub. as a party argue inexperience when McCain specifically picked the least experienced VP off his short list

  7. Yes he is shaking in his boots. How embarrassing, Sara had more, experience then Obama when she was only a mayor. Now she's older and wiser and, I'm happy to say the first Woman Vice President of the United States. Democrat for John McCain 2008.




  9. He sure did.  Palin has 13 years of elected office experience.  The Obama campaign has been saying that they know more about the common American then McCain, I disagreed with that statement before, and now that his running mate really is the common American what are they going to say?

    Look at her record and you will see all that she has done for the state of Alaska.  I trust her more then I will ever trust Obama.

  10. i agree... Go McCain!

  11. He brought in another maverick politican like himself.

  12. No, he just gave BOB BARR a lot of votes with that liberal politically correct move.

  13. McCain trumped the candidate of change. Interesting.  

  14. Nope, just gave presidency to Obama.  thank you.

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