
Did McCain wait until after Obama's speech to announce Pailin so Obama would be stuck with Biden?

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Also, if McCain had announced Palin first, would Obama have been forced to choose Hillary?




  1. Obviously.

    I think if MCain had picked Palin first Obama would have picked someone other then Biden. Not sure it would have been Hillary...but definately someone else.

  2. i think obamas choice was the right one, just wait until the debates when biden tears palin apart when she has no d**n idea what she is talking about.


  3. No, I think Obama made a great choice... and that's coming from a Hillary supporter. He chose a VP nominee that was well rounded and experienced. By looking at the choices, McCain made a terrible choice, not simply by looking at the fact that he was trying to insult us by selecting a candidate in hopes that her gender alone would dictate how I would vote, but also because the state (which has fewer residents than the city of Los Angeles alone) or the Republicans in that state that she governs even feel like this was a serious lapse in judgment.

    Obama made the right choice, Hillary didn't want to be a VP (to be fair, Palin was recorded saying that she would not want to be McCain's VP, but at least Hillary sticks to her word).  

  4. Good question.

    The republicans are pretty good with assessing the "temperament" of the voters unlike the dmbocrats.

    D chose to push aside and ignore blithely the 18million votes and public wishes for a woman candidate.


  5. Definitely. I think the democrats were idiots for not choosing Hillary, (even if I don't particularly like her), and McCain did a fine job of exploiting that.

  6. The dates are set by each party, they just happen to fall as they did.No, obama was not going to take hillery, the competition would be too great, and she wants to run next time on her own.If obama were to s***w up, she will not be held to his failure.

  7. No, I think Obama made a choice based on who he thought was right for the job,McCain on the other hand waited and picked someone with very little experience just to try get the women voters who are ticked off about Obama not picking Hillary

  8. Biden was the choice of the pro Iranians who are financing Obamas campaign and who have been financing Biden for years,they are both Muslim sympathizers ,

  9. of course he did smartest thing he ever did so far and obama would end up dead if he choose Hillary, he's already had to problems with his planes, how many close freinds died while bill was in office? 37??

  10. I think Obama will be very happy with his choice when foreign policy questions are being asked in the vp debates.

  11. Probably.  Obama better hope that Biden sobers up for the debates!  He's making a real **** of himself these days.

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