
Did Mccain get the answers from Rick Warren interview before hand?

by Guest60460  |  earlier

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At Saddleback he was answering the questions before they were asked?




  1. I just wonder how you can give complete answers to questions unless you knew them before hand. At least Obama showed respect and  waited until the questions were asked.

  2. I figured since McCain totally decimated Obama that the tin foil hat cool aid drinkers would vomit their spew...

  3. McCain looked smart, confident, at ease, with no hesitation, very Presidential

    Obama looked uncomfortable, stuttered, unsure, child like.

    McCain must have cheated.  How could Obama the chosen one, the Savior of the planet, looked so dumb compared to a idiot Republican.  McCain must have cheated, There is just no other way.  Just like Bush Cheated.  Its all Bush's fault.  And Carl Rove don't forget Carl Rove.

  4. Yes he had all the answers before hand. it is called three decades of experience.

  5. You mean like Obama will be doing during the upcoming debates - interesting theory.

  6. No, because that would mean Rick Warren and his organization lacks integrity and I don't believe that.  Also because most of his answers weren't thoughtful in the sense that he was trying to engage in a discussion with Pastor Warren.  Most of his answers were typical politican-speak drawing from his stock answers to questions on the campaign trail every day.  All of the stories he told have been told over and over and did nothing new to convince America that McCain will offer something different for America as our president.  Read the transcript and see for yourself.

  7. John Mc Cain beat obama like a dog.

    Is life not grand.

    And to answer your question. He did not have the answers.

  8. you could tell he wanted to answer quickly so he didn't lose track so I  imagine he did. Rick Warren is a good guy & a friend of Obama's & he was very helpful at making McCain look good.

  9. At least Obama had the courage to go first completely unscripted and had no idea what was to come his way. Had it been McCain first he would've been a bumbling idiot. And had Obama gone second - he wouldn't have listened to the questions because he is honest, unlike McSame.

    Warren said no stump speeches, but McCain's entire presentation was a stump speech "let me tell you a story about how much a hero (zero) I am" blah blah blah. Warren never even stopped him. Completely impartial unfair and in a church - McCain's blasphemous. He totally revealed how much a "Christian" he is by lying in a "sacred place of worship".

    Bush = Lies. GOP = Lies. McSame = Liar.

    About McSame's voluntarism plea for Americans - I'm afraid there's no Peace Corp - it's the draft folks. For all the wars he has lined up. Wake up America, this man will be a disaster for our country and the entire world!

  10. nope,face it .your messiah got owned!

  11. No, he didn't and he wasn't. He just answered them more quickly than Obama because he knew most of the people in the audience were evangelicals and would probably vote for him, so he had nothing to fear giving his honest opinions. Obama knew, however, that the preferred answers of the audience were different than those of his voters watching on TV, so he wasn't sure whether to be honest and tell his true opinions to please the liberal audience watching at home or the evangelical (and most likely conservative) sitting in the audience.

  12. Yes, McCain cheated.  He wasn't sequestered. His answers still were terrible.  And to pick a general for the "wisest" man?  His main focus is war, but abortion is wrong?  How hypocritical.

  13. Both of the campaigns were given hypothetical questions in advance and I'll bet good money both were allowed to object to questions before hand so they were not embarrassed by anything.  

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